Active and Passive Voice Quizzes for all competitive exams mcqs practice.

There are twenty multiple choice questions in this active and passive voice quiz.

Resource: English Past Papers MCQs

GK MCQs Quiz 14

1 / 20

The headquarter of Red Cross is in ?

2 / 20

The headquarter of Amnesty International is in ?

3 / 20

The first Nobel Prize was awarded in ?

4 / 20

The Nobel Prize has been awarded in ___ fields.

5 / 20

There are ____ non-permanent members of the security council.

6 / 20

Name the only secretary general of UN who resigned from his post?

7 / 20

The currency of Indonesia is ?

8 / 20

The European Union’s working capital is in ?

9 / 20

The motto of UNO is ?

10 / 20

The headquarter of Red Cross is in ?

11 / 20

The headquarter of Transparency International is in ?

12 / 20

The biggest Island of the World is ?

13 / 20

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has ____ official languages.

14 / 20

Yellow Sea lies between ?

15 / 20

The smallest Sea of the World is ?

16 / 20

What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel?

17 / 20

The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of “Peace” was awarded to?

18 / 20

SANA is the news agency of ?

19 / 20

Saba is the news agency of ?

20 / 20

The Earth surface is divided in ___ Continents.

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The average score is 63%


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The quiz is online and free for multiple time practice. Furthermore, all the active and passive voice quizzes are essential part of competitive exams.

5 thoughts on “active and passive voice quizzes”

  1. There is a mistake in q. No 3.
    The villagers fell all the trees.
    It’s passive voice will be:
    All the trees were felled by the villagers. Not all the trees are felled by the villagers.
    Fall: fell: fallen
    Fell: felled: felled


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