Preventive Officer Paper Batch-2 (30-09-2020) Test Solved Past Paper MCQs

Preventive Officer Paper Batch-2 (30-09-2020) Test Solved Past Paper MCQs for preparation.

When Zakat become obligatory?

  1. 2 AH
  2. 4 AH
  3. 5 AH
  4. None

Pakistan and Afghanistan border is known as :

  1. Durand line
  2. Mechmohan line
  3. Line of control
  4. None

Where is Headquarter of Pakistan railways?

  1. Fasilabad
  2. Karachi
  3. Islamabad
  4. Lahore

First space settliate was launched by which country?

  1. Russia
  2. Uk
  3. USA
  4. India

Who become acting president in the absence of president of Pakistan?

  1. Chairman NAB
  2. Chairman Senate
  3. Speaker NA
  4. None

Balochistan was given the status of province during the era of______?

  1. Yahiha Khan
  2. Feroz Khan Noon
  3. Ayoub Khan
  4. Ghulam Muhammad

When British government shifted capital from Calcutta to Delhi______?

  1. 1904
  2. 1919
  3. 1911
  4. None of these

CPEC will link through which pass?

  1. Khanjrab
  2. Tochi
  3. Maztagh
  4. None

What is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan called_______?

  1. Durand Line
  2. Line of control
  3. Free Line
  4. Dukhtar Line

Largest Muslim country by landmass is:

  1. Mali
  2. Pakistan
  3. Indonesia
  4. Kazakhstan

Formula in Excell starts with

  1. +
    • =
  2. [

45th summit of Group of Seven (G7) held in

  1. France
  2. UK
  3. USA
  4. UAE

______To change line height to 1.5 which is the following correct command?

  1. Ctrl +5
  2. Ctrl +2
  3. Ctrl+4
  4. None

Which khalifa take action against those person who refuse to pay Zakat?

  1. Abu Bakar
  2. Hazrat umar
  3. Hazrat ali
  4. None

Which country first recognize Pakistan after its independence?

  1. China
  2. Turkey
  3. India
  4. Iran

Who suggested the name “Ahmed” for Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

  1. Hazrat Amina
  2. Hazrat Abdullah
  3. Hazrat Abdul Mutalib
  4. Hazrat Qasim
  5. None of the above

Khalafat movement was abolished in which year?

  1. 1923
  2. 1934
  3. 1924
  4. None

Hazrat Abu Bakr sent which companion to Syria?

  1. Khalid bin Waleed
  2. Saad bin abi waqas
  3. Both
  4. None

Ms Excel is a

  1. Spreadsheet program
  2. Multimedia software
  3. Entertainment software
  4. None

BRICS was formed in ?

  1. 2019
  2. 2009
  3. 2008
  4. 2006

Which of the following is Currency of China?

  1. Yuan
  2. Yen
  3. Dinar
  4. Rupee

Khalafat was abolished by

  1. Mustifa Kamal Ataturk
  2. 1924
  3. both
  4. None

Canada and USA border is __ border of world

  1. Largest
  2. Smallest
  3. Dangerous
  4. None

Which countries are founding members of ECO?

  1. Iran
  2. Pakistan
  3. Turkey
  4. All

What is H5N1 ?

  1. Virus
  2. Disease
  3. Both
  4. None

Data arrangements in cell is known as

  1. Sorting
  2. Delete
  3. Arrange
  4. None

The forth state of matter is

  1. Water
  2. Salt
  3. Plasma
  4. None

In a computer processed data is known as

  1. Information
  2. Output
  3. Information or output
  4. None

Dir is famous for

  1. Artificial forest
  2. Tidal forests
  3. Natural forests
  4. Bela forests

Which shortcut key is used for Justify?

  1. Ctrl+J
  2. Ctrl +I
  3. Shift + J
  4. None

Who is the founder of metrology?

  1. Einstein
  2. Plato
  3. Aristotle
  4. None

Suiz canal connects?

  1. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
  2. Red Sea and Black Sea
  3. Yellow River and Yangtze River
  4. None of these

Denuclearization date of Korea on January 20 ?

  1. 1992
  2. 1993
  3. 1955
  4. 1999

How many list of Powers according to 1973 constitution?

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 5

Where is the Headquarter of transpiracy international is located?

  1. Geneva
  2. Hague
  3. Berline
  4. London

1962 constitution is known as _ constitution of Pakistan

  1. 2nd
  2. 1st
  3. 3rd
  4. None

Dhimmi means?

  1. Non Muslim living in an Islamic state
  2. Type of tax
  3. Both
  4. None

5th eastern economic forum was held in

  1. Russian
  2. Uk
  3. USA
  4. Canada

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