FPSC CSS MPT Solved Past Paper 21 May 2023 (2ND SHIFT) MCQs

FPSC CSS MPT Solved Past Paper 21 May 2023 (2ND SHIFT) MCQs for preparation.

The Earth Summit in 1992 was held in ______?

  1. Beijing
  2. Rin de Jeneiro
  3. New York
  4. None

______ is the instrument for measuring wind force.

  1. Hygrometer
  2. Anemometer
  3. Bolometer
  4. Galvanometer
  5. None of these

No war pact was concluded between Muslims and the Makkans at Hadaibiya for a period of ________ years?

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 20
  4. 25

Within only ________ years of the Prophet’s PBUH demise, the Islamic State has spread to three continents.

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 25
  4. none

The youngest Nobel Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai won Nobel Peace Prize for the year?

  1. 2013
  2. 2014
  3. 2015
  4. 2016

SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit 2022 was Held in which country?

  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. Tajikistan
  4. Uzbekistan

A man sold his motorcycle for Rs. 24000 and earned 20% profit. what was the original price?

  1. 20,000
  2. 20,200
  3. 19,800
  4. none of these

قواعد کے رو سے روٹی و وٹی مین و وٹی کیا ہے؟

  1. مہمل
  2. کلمہ
  3. لفظ
  4. خاص

Prophet Muhammadﷺ lived in Madina for _____ years?

  1. 13 years
  2. 11 years
  3. 10 years
  4. 5 years
  5. 2 years

The Lunar eclipse occurs when:

  1. Moon is between the earth and the sun
  2. Earth is between the sun and the moon
  3. Sun is between the earth and the moon
  4. Earth is at right angles to the direction of the sun and the moon
  5. All of these

What is the length of coastline of Pakistan is?

  1. 990 km
  2. 1125 km
  3. 1046 km
  4. 1058 km

What is the Height of Tirich Mir peak?

  1. 7350 meters
  2. 7708 meters
  3. 7140 meters
  4. 7870 meters
  5. None of these

Book ‘The Sole Spokesman’ is authored by:

  1. Mubarak Ali
  2. Stanley Wolpert
  3. Anatol Lieven
  4. Ayesha Jalal

Human rights day is observed on which date?

  1. 10 December
  2. 11 December
  3. 15 December
  4. 19 December

وہ تین لیٹر دودھ ال یا یی اسم صفت کی کونسی قسم ہے

  1. صفت مقداری
  2. سدت عددی
  3. صفت ذاتی
  4. صفت نسبتی

______ is the second-largest importer of Pakistan?

  1. Chine
  2. UAE
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. None

When did National Security Committee approved Pakistan’s first ever National Security Policy?

  1. 27 Dec 2021
  2. 24 Dec 2021
  3. 29 Dec 2021
  4. None

LTTE stands for __________ Tigers of Tamil Eelam?

  1. Loyal
  2. Legal
  3. Liberation
  4. None

Pakistan’s first-ever digitised population census to be completed in

  1. August 2022
  2. August 2023
  3. August 2024
  4. August 2025

Hezbollah group belongs to _______?

  1. Palestine
  2. Lebanon
  3. Jordon
  4. None

Fourth Geneva Convention was signed in______?

  1. 1948
  2. 1949
  3. 1950
  4. None

MTCR stands for _______?

  1. Missile Technology Control Regulation
  2. Missile Technology Control Regine
  3. Missile Technology Control Record
  4. None

Gastric juice is a fluid formed within the stomach lining with has pH value of about _________?

  1. 3
  2. 7
  3. 10
  4. none

Which of the following is a pure substance made up of two or more types of atoms or elements?

  1. crystal
  2. compound
  3. mixture
  4. none

The smallest unit of heredity is _________?

  1. chromosomes
  2. gene
  3. nucleotide
  4. none

All mangoes are yellow. Yellow color things are not cheap. what conclusion follows?

  1. All mangoes are cheap
  2. Yellow colored mangoes are not cheap
  3. Mangoes are expensive
  4. None of these

It takes 5 minutes to pass a rumor from one form one person to another person. The Tree of Rumour continues. How many persons would know the Rumour after 20 minutes?

  1. 16
  2. 27
  3. 81
  4. none

The sum of the age of 6 children born at the interval of 2 years is 60 years, What is the age of the youngest child?

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. none

When we write all the numbers from 1 to 100. then how many times do we write the number

  1. 11
  2. 19
  3. 20
  4. none

Each of the four sons can cross the bridge in time, namely 3, 7, 13, and 17 minutes, respectively, Only two people can cross at a time, What is the minimum time in which all four can cross the bridge?

  1. 27 minutes
  2. 23 minutes
  3. 20 minutes
  4. none

Two trains each of length 150m are running in the opposite directions with the same speed, If they cross each other in 15 seconds, what is the speed of each train in Km per hours?

  1. 36
  2. 72
  3. 20
  4. none

(i) Rayyan is older than Ayyan. (ii) Farhan is older than Rayyan. (iii) Ayyan is older than Farhan. If first two statement is true, then the third statement is:

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Uncertain
  4. None

Astonished is to Astounded, as elegant is to:

  1. grateful
  2. graceful
  3. gorgeous
  4. none

Islamabad, Madrid, Ottawa, Paris, _____ what should follow logically?

  1. Multan
  2. Torunto
  3. London
  4. None

Given: ABD, BCE, CDF, DFG, ________. what should follow?

  1. EFG
  2. EFI
  3. EFH
  4. NONE

Which of the following is not belong with the other?

  1. lnch
  2. feet
  3. ton
  4. centimeter

Depressed is too elated, as submissive is to:

  1. exhausted
  2. angry
  3. resistant
  4. none

A champion cannot exist without:

  1. running
  2. swimming
  3. winning
  4. none

Arrange the following in a logical order. 1. shoulder, 2. wrist, 3. elbow, 4. finger, 5, palm

  1. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
  2. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
  3. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
  4. none

What is the next number in the serious 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ______?

  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. none

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