Lecturer Islamic Study Paper 2021 MCQs

Lecturer Islamic Study Paper 2021 MCQs for preparation. How many number of Makki Surahs are there in the Holy Quran _____? On which date was the Pakistan resolution passed ? Sami Ullah Khan is famous player of ? The biggest Islamic country by area is _____. Which of the following country opposed Pakistan’s membership in … Read more

Lecturer Zoology Past Paper 2018

Lecturer Zoology Past Paper 2018 for preparation. This is not a characteristic of primates? A) Opposable digits B) A well developed cerebrum C) Binocular vision D) A cloaca In Microcephaly, the individuals are born with small? A) Skull B) Eyes C) Brain D) Hands Insulin has 51 amino acids, which are arranged in two polypeptide … Read more

PPSC Lecturer English Paper 2017

PPSC lecturer English 2017 for preparation. Who is the current Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan? A) Ashraf Wathra B) Tariq Bajwa C) Ehatsham Ashai D) None of these Which of the following bodies of the UN deals with Refugee issues? A) UNHCR B) OHCHR C) UNESCO D) UNITAR Name of the Director-General of … Read more

Lecturer English Past Papers 2015

Lecturer English Past Papers 2015 for preparation. Spoken (بولا ہوا) synonym? A) Vocal B) Written C) Aural D) Unspoken Close Shave means? A) Hair’s breadth B) by the skin of one’s teeth C) Narrow escape D) All of these Paradoxical (وہ بات جو بظاہر غلط مگر حقیقت میں صحیح ہو ) synonym? A) Productive B) … Read more

Lecturer Economics Past Papers 2011

Lecturer Economics Past Papers 2011 for preparation. An ISO – Product curve slopes? A) Downward to the left B) Downward to the right C) Upward to the left D) Upward to the right The capital-output ratio is determined by? A) Sectoral allocation of capital B) Level of economic activity C) Human and natural resources D) … Read more

Lecturer Physical Education Past Paper 2011

Lecturer Past Papers Physical Education 2011 for preparation. مشہور ناول’’خدا کے بستی‘‘ کےمصنف کا کیا نام ہے ؟ A) شوکت صدیقی  B) وقارعظیم C) احمدسرور D) امجد اسلام امجد نان شعیر کے کیا معنی ہیں؟ A) جوکی روٹی B) خمیری روٹی C) لذیذ روٹی D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں Pakistan’s coastline is: A) 750 … Read more

Lecturer past Paper Psychology 2015

Lecturer past Paper Psychology 2015 for preparation. Which of the following treatments deal with phobias by gradual exposure? A) Super ego control B) Systematic desensitization C) Reinforcement D) Dreams A feeling of apprehension or tension is: A) Frustration B) Panic C) Anxiety D) Depression The part of personality that provides a buffer between the id … Read more

Lecturer Political Science Paper 2015

Lecturer Political Science 2015 for preparation. Which political theory propounded that state will ultimately disappear? A) Syndacatism B) Fabian socialism C) Fascism D) Communism In which year Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established the M.A.O College? A) 1860 B) 1865 C) 1877 D) 1875 Pakistan joined Non-Aligned Movement in? A) 1980 B) 1978 C) 1979 D) … Read more

Lecturer Chemistry Past Paper 2017

Lecturer Chemistry Past Paper 2017 for preparation. ( ARID PMS AJKPSC ) Which of the following is the basic component of smog? A) PAN B) PBN C) NO2 D) All of these Which is the sequence of regions of the electromagnetic spectrum? A) Cosmic rays, X-rays, Visible and UV B) Microwave, X-rays, Visible and UV … Read more

Lecturer Computer Science 2017

Lecturer Computer Science 2017 for preparation. امیرخسروکس شہر میں مد فون ہیں؟ A) عمر کوٹ B) ملتان C) دہلی D) رائے بریلی ترکی تمام ہونا‘‘ محاورہ ہے۔ اس کا مفہوم کیا ہے؟” A) غیرملکی سفر پر روانہ ہونا B) بجٹ ختم ہونا C) کوشش ترک کرنا D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں Boao Forum for … Read more

PPSC Senior Subject Specialist Economics 2013 Past Paper

PPSC Senior Subject Specialist Economics 2013 Past Paper for preparation. In a depression economy along a horizontal aggregate supply curve A) Wages and prices are continuously falling B) Wages and prices are “Sticky” downwards C) Real GDP cannot be increased or decreased D) Unemployment is relatively low The simple Keynesian aggregate supply curve Is: A) … Read more

PPSC lecturer Math Paper 2017

PPSC lecturer Math Paper 2017 for preparation. اردو ادب کے ناول ’میدان عمل‘ اور ’چوگان ہستی‘ کے مصنف کون ہیں؟ A) منشی پریم چند B) ڈپٹی نذیر احمد C) عبدالحلیم شرر D) وزیر آ غا بنت العنب ‘‘ کا مفہوم کیا ہے؟ “ A) کسان کی بیٹی B) (انگور کی بیٹی (شراب C) مے فروش … Read more

PPSC lecturer Urdu Paper 2017

PPSC lecturer Urdu Paper 2017 for preparation. ترقی پسند مصنفین کے پہلے اجلاس کی صدارت کس نے کی ؟ A) علامہ محمد اقبال  B) منشی پریم چند  C) احمد ندیم قاسمی  D) سجاد ظہیر  ?سندھ میں اردو شاعری” کس کی تالیف ہے “ A) سید سلیمان ندوی  B) نبی بخش خان بلوچ  C) قدرت اللہ … Read more

PPSC lecturer Islamiyat Paper 2017

PPSC lecturer Islamiyat Paper 2017 for preparation. درج ذیل حروف میں سے جازم فعل مضارع کون سا حرف ہے ؟ A) ان B) کی C) لم D) فی ?اسلامی اصول فقہ کے بنیادی ماخذ ہیں A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 ?جنگ صفین کب لڑی گئی A) 40 Hijri B) 30 Hijri C) … Read more

PPSC lecturer Botany Past Paper 2017

PPSC lecturer Botany Past Paper 2017 for preparation. Endosperm in gymnosperm is: A) Diploid B) Haploid C) Triploid D) None of these Secondary growth occurs by the activity of: A) Phloem B) Xylem C) Cambium D) Bark Which of the following is correct for vascular bundle of gymnosperms? A) Stele B) Exarch C) Collateral D) … Read more

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