FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 Batch 1

FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 Batch 1 Research conducted for testing and applying theories is called? A) Descriptive B) Pedagogy C) Applied Research D) None of these Curriculum reflects the culture of? A) School B) Humanity C) Society D) None of these When a person must change his existing position to respond to a new … Read more

FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 Batch 3

FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 Batch 3 What are the merits of microteaching? A) Feedback helps in the improvement of method of teaching B) Due to shortage of time, you divide the lesson plan into small units and thus gain mastery over the content C) It helps in self-evaluation and teachers build up confidence in … Read more

FPSC SST Past Paper 2018

FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 …… is responsible for the accreditation of teachers’ education in Pakistan? A) NECTA B) FAPUASA C) NACTE D) None of theseDetail National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of? A) Fazal ur Rehman B) Liaqat Ali Khan C) S.M. Sharif D) None of these What is the meaning … Read more

FPSC Assistant Director IB Paper (2019)

Assistant Director IB (2019) Who raised the Slogan of “Rotti. Kapra and Makan among the presidents of Pakistan? A) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto B) General-Zia C) Nawaz Sharif D) None of these After getting the boarding card, why la passenger is not allowed to go out of the airport? A) To avoid the repetition of process … Read more

Inspector Investigation FIA (2019)

Inspector Investigation FIA (2019) The ozone gas? A) Destroys the floating germs in the air B) Increases the floating germs in the air C) Decreases the floating germs in the air D) None of these The third isotope of hydrogen is called? A) Protium B) Deuterium C) Tritium D) None of these Third shell in … Read more

Inspector Aviation Division 2020

Inspector Aviation Division 2020 What is the synonym of ‘abase’ ( بے عزت کرنا)? A) Disgrace B) Honour C) Elevate D) None of these Which word is the opposite of ‘pugnacious’ (لڑنے کا شائق)? A) Enmity B) Escalate C) Friendly D) Hostile Which word means the same as ‘amulet’ (تعویذ ۔ ٹونا۔ ٹوٹکا)? A) Charm … Read more

ASF ASI Past Papers 2022 MCQs

ASF ASI Past Papers 2022 MCQs for preparation. Bengal was divided into two provinces in: Lord Curzon divided Bengal into how many provinces? Pakistan lies between the latitudes Minimum age limit to contest for MNA in Pakistan is: The senate of Pakistan was under the constitution of? Saindak project is operated with the collabortry When … Read more