CSS MPT Paper 02 October 2022 Test Solved MCQs for preparation.
When Zakat become obligatory?
- 2 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- None
‘Neptune Missile system’ is associated with which country?
- Russia
- Ukraine
- China
- None
The Council of Common Interests (CCI) resolves the disputes of________?
- Power sharing between the Federation and Provinces
- Federation
- Provinces
- None
Who gave suggestion for formation of SAARC?
- Ziaur Rehman
- Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rehman
- All
- None
Who was the second Governor-General of Pakistan?
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Sir Khawaja Nazimuddin
- Sir Ghulam Muhammad
- Iskander Mirza
Which of following is considered as latest browser ?
- mosaic
- google chrome
- Mozila firebox
- None
The most learned wife of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) was____?
- Hazrat Ayesha R.A
- Hazrat Hafsa R.A
- Hazrat khadija R.A
- Hazrat Maimoona R.A
- None of these
NPT stands for______
- National Purification Treaty
- Non-Resident Protection Treaty
- National Protection Treaty
- Non-Poliferation Treaty
First time In which language Quran was translated
- Persian
- Greek Latin
- Latin
- None
Capital of Belgium is
- Cape town
- Warsa
- Zurich
- Brussels
8, 27, 64, 100, 125, 216, 343 …….
- 27
- 100
- 125
- 343
In which Nabvi year the Social Boycott of Banu Hashim was started?
- 7th Nabvi
- 5th Nabvi
- 3rd Nabvi
- 1st Nabvi
- None of the above
The sky appears blue because of
- Emision of blue wavelength by the sun
- Reflection on sea water
- Scattering of light from atmsphere
- Atmospheric water vapour
How many countries are members of the European Union?
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 27
The most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water is:
- Mercury Thermometer
- Alcohol Thermometer
- Bimetallic Thermometer
- Liquid Crystal Thermometer
Who was the fifth righteous caliph of Hijaz?
- Hazrat Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
- Hazrat Abu baker
- Hazrat Usman
- None
What is Sahihain:
- Bukhari and Muslim
- Bukhari
- Mishkat
- None
An instrument that measure air pressure is called ___
- Lactometer
- Barometer
- Thermometer
- Hydrometer
Current is____
- Vegetable
- Fruit
- flow of electric charge
- Machine
When did America enter Afghanistan?
- 2009
- 2000
- 2001
- 2005
Paris Pact ended with _______.
- WW2
- WW1
- War of independence
- None
World war II was outbreak due to the attack of Germany on ___
- France
- Canada
- Poland
- Russia
Total members of SAARC are _______ ?
- 9
- 8
- 4
- 5
At whose request, Hazrat Abu Bakr ( R.A) entrusted the task of compilation of the holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabitؓ?
- Hazart Umer (R.A)
- Hazart Usman ( R.A)
- Hazart Ali ( R.A)
- Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A)
- None of these
SCO stands for
- Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
- Shanghai Cooperation Organize
- Shanghai Corporate Organisation
- None
Which country was officially associated with “Dayton Agreement”?
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bosnia and UK
- India and Herzegovina
- None
A book thoughts on Pakistan is written by
- Loe tolsty
- B R Ambedkar
- Both
- None
Pakistan stance on India as a permanent member as SCO
- strong opposition
- weak opposition
- Both A and B
- None of these
Pakistan observed _____ anniversary of APS Peshawar tragedy on 16 December 2020.
- 6th
- 5th
- 4th
- 3rd
In accordance with 25th Constitutional Amendment, the total senate seats will be reduced to____ from existing 104 after the retirement of FATA Senators in 2024:
- 94
- 98
- 96
- 100
find the odd one out fish tortoise frog _______
- Fish
- Tortoise
- frog
- None
What is the missing number in series 100, 81, 64, 49, __?
- 36
- 88
- 35
- 25
The New START Treaty was signed between______.
- United States
- Russia
- Both
- None
Foreign policy is designed to protect a country’s
- National Interest
- Autonomous Interest
- climate
- Law and order
GATT stands for:
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Tour
- General Agreement on Turkiye and Trade
- None of these
The FOIP stands for________.
- Free and Open Indo-Pacific.
- Free and Open Internationalization.
- First and Open Indo-Pacific.
- None
Who is set to be elected first tribal woman president of India?
- Agatha Sangma
- Droupadi Murmu
- Ambika Soni
- Anila Bhendia
- None of these
When was World Bank established?
- July 1942
- July 1941
- July 1944
- December 1945
- None
18th Amendment provides the establishment of
- Turbt High Court
- Islamabad High court
- Both
- None of these
When did the “Cold War ” officially end?
- 1945
- 1965
- 1980
- 1991