FPSC Inspector and Assistant Director ASF Past Papers Test Solved MCQs

1. When Airports Security Force (ASF) Act 1975 came into effect, it repealed the
(A) ASF Act, 1956
(B) Pakistan Security Act, 1956
(C) ASF Ordinance, 1975
(D) None of these

2. The main vision of Airports Security Force (ASF) is the quality of
(A) reliability
(B) honesty
(C) modernization
(D) secure environment

3. In Airports Security, AVSEC means ________ security.
(A) average
(B) advance
(C) aircraft
(D) aviation

4. Airports Security Force (ASF) is under the ministry of
(A) Aviation Division
(B) Interior
(C) Defence
(D) None of these

5. Each candidate _____ the ASF written test with good marks to qualify for the interview.
(A) should pass
(B) should has passed
(C) has to pass
(D) have to pass

 6. His fine voice _____ in this hall again.
(A) never heard
(B) will never be heard
(C) has never heard
(D) will never hear

7. They are looking for accommodation _____ in a house or a 4-bedroom apartment.
(A) both
(B) until
(C) neither
(D) either

8. World’s which region was declared “free of wild polio” on 25 August 2020?
(A) Africa
(B) North Africa
(C) Nigeria
(D) DR Congo

9. Which country is world’s largest producer of “Palm Oil” ?
(A) Turkey
(B) Nigeria
(C) Malaysia
(D) Indonesia

10. Who is one of the greatest investors in the world?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Elon Musk
(C) Warren Buffet
(D) Mark Zuckerberg

11. The Israel-UAE peace agreement is also known as _______ Accord.
(A) Abraham
(B) Jacob
(C) Peace & Progress
(D) Acceptance & Forward

12. “Line of Actual Control” is a disputed border-line between
(A) China and Pakistan
(B) China and India
(C) India and Pakistan
(D) China, India, and Nepal

13. The headquarter of SAARC is located in
(A) Kathmandu
(B) Dhaka
(C) New Delhi
(D) None of these

14. The current Prime Minister of Japan is
(A) Tarō Asō
(B) Shinzō Abe
(C) Yoshihide Suga
(D) Tadamori Oshima

15. The current foreign minister of Russia is
(A) Vladimir Putin
(B) Sergey Lavrov
(C) Sergey Vyazalov
(D) None of these

16. Tashkent is the capital of
(A) Turkmenistan
(B) Kazakhstan
(C) Tajikistan
(D) Uzbekistan

17. The capital of Maldives is
(A) Male
(B) Abuja
(C) Thimphu
(D) None of these

18. Supreme Court of Pakistan decided Panama Case in
(A) January 2017
(B) July 2017
(C) January 2018
(D) None of these

19. The upper house of the bicameral Parliament of India is called
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Rajya Sabha
(C) Coorg Legislative Council
(D) None of these

20.East Timor was a part of
(A) China
(B) Brunei
(C) Malaysia
(D) Indonesia

21. Khmer Rouge was a party in
(A) Cambodia
(B) Thailand
(C) Vietnam
(D) North Korea

22. The book “Yadon Ki Barat” was written by
(A) Mumtaz Mufti
(B) Ashfaq Ahmed
(C) Josh Malihabadi
(D) Younus Butt

23. The eminent Pashto poet Rahman Baba died in
(A) 1705
(B) 1711
(C) 1805
(D) 1811

24. The device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) is called
(A) Battery
(B) Anemometer
(C) Galvanometer
(D) Rectifier

25. Lawrence garden Lahore was a gift from
(A) K. Lawrence
(B) Engineer Lawrence
(C) Governor Lawrence
(D) None of these

26. Which amendment to the constitution stripped the president’s power to dissolve the National Assembly of Pakistan?
(A) 8th
(B) 13th
(C) 18th
(D) None of these

27. Who is the founder of Meteorology?
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Newton
(D) Einstein

28. The study of hydrocarbon and its derivatives is called
(A) Organic Chemistry
(B) Inorganic Chemistry
(C) Hydrolysis
(D) None of these

29. The book “Jinnah: The sole spokesman” is written by
(A) Ayesha Jalal
(B) Syed Hasan Riaz
(C) Jaswant Singh
(D) Stanley Wolpert

30. The coldest region of the Earth’s atmosphere is
(A) Exosphere
(B) Thermosphere
(C) Stratopause
(D) Mesopause

31. The chemical formula of magnetic oxide is
(A) He3O2
(B) He2O3
(C) Fe3O2
(D) Fe2O3

32. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) starts at
(A) Beijing
(B) Shanghai
(C) Kashgar
(D) Xinjiang

33. In 2019 which country committed to built oil refinery at Gwadar?
(A) United States
(B) Russia
(C) Qatar
(D) Saudi Arabia

34. The oil refinery which was to be built in Gwadar, now will be built in
(A) Lahore
(B) Karachi
(C) Peshawar
(D) Quetta

35. The most blister form of copper is
(A) refined copper
(B) impure copper
(C) processed copper
(D) none of these

36. The synonym of “Gregarious” is
(A) sociable
(B) reserved
(C) shaky
(D) egregious

37. The synonym of “Emancipate” is
(A) defame
(B) incorporate
(C) release
(D) emanate

38. The synonym of “Libel” is
(A) Liberal
(B) Independent
(C) Defamation
(D) Conclusion

39. Director General Airports Security Force (ASF) is appointed by
(A) Supreme Court
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Federal Government
(D) The most senior in rank take the charge

40. What is meant by “Federal Government” in the ASF Act 1975?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) President and Prime Minister
(D) Federal Cabinet

41. Who serves as the head of the Airports Security Force (ASF)?
(B) Defence Minister
(C) Interior Minister
(D) President ASF

42.  If an employee of ASF deserts, who will be requested to capture the deserter?
(A) Pakistan Army
(B) Civil authorities

43. Who can make rules for carrying out the purposes of the ASF Act, 1975?
(A) Federal Government
(B) Parliament
(C) Specialized Senate Committee

44. Who can make regulations for carrying out the purposes of the ASF Act, 1975?
(A) Federal Government
(B) Parliament
(C) Specialized Senate Committee

45. What is the height of “Mount Everest”?
(A) 8849 m
(B) 8859 m
(C) 8869 m
(D) 8879 m

46. The music of Pakistan’s national anthem was composed by
(A) Jagannath Azad
(B) Ahmad G. Chagla
(C) Hafeez Jalandhari
(D) Rahindranath Tagore

47. Pakistan’s national anthem is written in the language:
(A) Arabic
(B) Hindi
(C) Urdu
(D) Persian

48. There are total of how many seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan?
(A) 336
(B) 342
(C) 346
(D) 352

49. Indifferent is most similar to:
(A) Neutral
(B) Unkind
(C) Precious
(D) Similar

50. I could _____ see the sight since it was dark.
(A) clearly
(B) barely
(C) obviously
(D) aptly

51. Ocean currents are directional movements of
(A) electrical charge
(B) mechanical charge
(C) seawater
(D) salt in the seawate

52. The science of lightning is known as
(A) Aerology
(B) Meteorology
(C) Electeorology
(D) Fulminology

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