FPSC CSS Psychology Past Paper 16 10 2023 Test Solved MCQs

FPSC CSS PSYCHOLOGY PAST PAPER 16-10-2023 Test Solved MCQs for preparation.

Which correlation coefficient is strongest?

  1. -0.98
  2. +0.90
  3. 1.20
  4. None of these

The MMPI is used to measure?

  1. Leadership potential
  2. Big five traits
  3. Personality and Psychological disorders
  4. None of these

Which of these is not an element of the Health Belief Model?

  1. Threat
  2. Expectations
  3. Cure
  4. None of these

What gland is located just superior to the kidneys?

  1. Pituitary
  2. Adrenal
  3. Pancreas
  4. None of these

In classical conditioning, UR & CR are?

  1. Opposite Behaviour
  2. The same behaviour
  3. The result of extinction
  4. None of these

According to the behavioralist school, ___ plays no role in learning.

  1. Experience
  2. Nurture
  3. Nature
  4. None of these

What part of neuron is sometimes myelinated?

  1. Dendrite
  2. Axon
  3. Soma
  4. None of these

The person who established the first psychological laboratory for research was?

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. John B. Waton
  3. Wilhelm Wundt
  4. None of these

The split-haves method is used as a test of?

  1. Stability
  2. Internal consistency
  3. Concurrent validity
  4. None of these

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