Computer MCQs

Very Important computer MCQs, Online Quizzes and shortcut keys for all competitive exams including CSS PMS NTS PPSC FPSC SPSC KPPSC BPSC AJKPSC and other exams.

Why Computer MCQs

Computer is an important part of all competitive exams. Every single paper consist a part of computer mcqs to check aspirant computer knowledge. Seeking this, we have included all computer mcqs related to one paper preparation.

Most of the important computer mcqs were taken from the past papers. keeping your preparation in mind, we have added computer mcqs quizzes so that you can check your knowledge of computer portion.

Furthermore, We have included shortcut keys list that is an important part of any paper. Previously, In public service commission and nts exams, most of the computer mcqs were taken from MS words, Excel, PPt and shortcut keys.

Computer basic knowledge is an important of all test like FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, CSS, PMS and NTS exam.

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