Quiz for MS Word

This important quiz for ms word comprised of twenty multiple choice question.

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#1. The Diamer Basha Damis in the preliminary stages of construction .it is on river

#2. Lala Lajpal Rai was a famous Punjabi leader. He was associated with ____?

#3. The word Pakistan was firstly introduced in ____ in 1933

#4. What is the religion of majority of Arabs before Islam?

#5. Which language was declared as National in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan?

#6. What are liquids that evaporate quickly , called?

#7. In which year Government of Pakistan gave extension of 3 years to General Qamar Javed Bajwa?

#8. Who is the head of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commiossion ____?

#9. Who among the following is the current Federal Minister of Human Rights of Pakistan?

#10. Which was the first Gulf state who recognize Israel?

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