Quiz for MS Word

This important quiz for ms word comprised of twenty multiple choice question.

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#1. Which famous Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran _________?

#2. Quaid e Azam resigns from Congress in the year:

#3. Which part of the world is also known as the “Great Britain of the Pacific”?

#4. Fill in the correct preposition: “I will be ready _______ the time you get here”

#5. How many times the word Muhammad (PBUH) as a name has been mentioned in the Holy Quran?

#6. A Mason fixed black tiles of square shape around a square room. there are 21 tiles on each side of the room. how many Tiles did he need altogether?

#7. River Nile flows through which of the following cities?

#8. The Eidhi Foundation has the world`s largest ____?

#9. Ms Access arranges the data in :

#10. Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi on _____

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