MS Excel MCQs

What type of chart is good for single series of data?

(A). Column Chart

(B). Line Chart

(C). Pie Chart

(D). None of These

What do you use to create a chart?

(A). Pie Wizard

(B). Chart Wizard

(C). Data Wizard

(D). None of These

Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using

(A).) Adobe Photoshop

(B). Excel

(C).  Notepad

(D). None of These

Which among following wildcard characters are recognized by excel?

(A).  + and –

(B). ! and ^

(C). * and?

(D). None of These

A function inside another function is known as?

(A). Switch function

(B). Sandwich function

(C). Nested function

(D). None of These

Which among followings are excel data types?

(A). Numbers, Formulas, Labels

(B). Data, Words, Numbers

(C). Words, Number, Labels

(D). None of These

Which dialogue box we can use to name a constant?

(A). Create Name

(B). Define Name

(C).) Get Name

(D). None of These

Which function will you use to enter current time in a worksheet cell?

(A). =time()

(B). =nowtime()

(C). =now()

(D). None of These

Read More: MS word MCQs

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