Important MS Excel MCQs for all competitive exams preparation and computer related tests.
In a MS-Excel, formula begins with
(A). >
(B). =
(C). <
(D). None of These
In a spreadsheet, letters are used to represent…
(A). Cells
(B). Rows
(C). Columns
(D). None of These
Extension of computer MS-Excel file is
(A). Wrd
(B). Xlsx
(C). Doc
(D). None of These
A numeric data analysis tool that allows us to create a computerized ledger.
(A). Word Processing Package
(B). Spreadsheet Package
(C). Graphics Package
(D). None of These
The cell that is in use.
(A). Highlighted Cell
(B). Main Cell
(C). Active Cell
(D). None of These
Spreadsheets cannot:
(A). Do Calculations
(B). Create Graphics
(C). Plot Graphs
(D). None of These
In a computer spreadsheet, each cell contain a
(A). Label
(B). Value
(C). Formula
(D). All Of These
Which among following is divide symbol in excel?
(A). /
(B). D
(C). Div
(D). None of These
Which of the following isn’t a part of a spreadsheet?
(A). Row Number
(B). Column Number
(C). Column Letter
(D). None of These
…….. Help us to see patterns.
(A). Spreadsheets
(B). Calculations
(C). Charts
(D). None of These