Quiz for MS Word

This important quiz for ms word comprised of twenty multiple choice question.

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#1. The Great Sphinx of Giza is located in which country

#2. in MS excel 2016, which of the following can be used to split windows into two?

#3. Which prophet of Allah had minimum age________?

#4. Who was the first muadhin of Islam ____?

#5. The great book ” Al-Itqan fi Uloom al-Quran” was composed by whom___?

#6. Choose the correct meaning of idiom: “To fish in troubled waters .”

#7. The oldest revealed divine book is:

#8. Earth complete one rotation on its axis in _______.

#9. Angela Merkel has served as the head of which country_?

#10. Partition of Bangal was annulled under British Monarch ?

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