Quiz for MS Word

This important quiz for ms word comprised of twenty multiple choice question.

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#1. Increased level of SGOT/AST in blood is an indication of:

#2. Jacob Zuma was the president of

#3. Look at this series, 58,52,46,40,34.what number come next

#4. To create table of columns and rows for statistical or mathematical calculation using spreadsheet, which software is used ?

#5. The over-cooking of food should be avoided because it

#6. The average weight of 8 person is increased by 2.5 kg when one of them who wait 56 kg is replaced by new man the weight of the new man is:

#7. Rain fall is measured using a:

#8. Who was the first Pakistani doctor who lost his life due to COVID-19 infection and was posthumously awarded Nishan-e-Kashmir on March 27, 2020______?

#9. ?باغ باغ ہونا” محاورہ ہے ۔ اس کا مفہوم کیا ہے”

#10. 60 man can do a work in 40 days.how long will it take 40 men to complete the same work

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