PPSC English MCQs

Find the relationship similar to Threat: Insecurity?

(A). Challenge: Fight

(B). Speed: Acceleration

(C). Reason: Anger

(D). Thunder: Lightening

Choose the correct Antonym: Oblivion?

(A). Disregard

(B). Indifference

(C). Awareness

(D). Insensibility

What is the synonym of AMBIGUOUS?

(A). Lurid

(B). Transparent

(C). Limpid

(D). Unclear

They said, “We take exercise every day.”

(A). They had said that they take exercise every day

(B). They said that we take exercise every day

(C). They said that they take exercise every day

(D). They said that they took exercise every day

“Accolade” means?

(A). Sharp or Harsh in Language

(B). To give up completely

(C). An Award or Salute

(D). Keenness of mind or insight

Choose the correct antonym: Oblivion?

(A). Disregard

(B). Insensibility

(C). Awareness

(D). Indifference

He lived ___ Model Town ___ Lahore?

(A). at at

(B). in at

(C). of at

(D). None of these

The synonym of “Susceptible” is?

(A). Vulnerable

(B). Insensitive

(C). Irregular

(D). Dubious

Fill in the blank: “She inquired ____ my health”?

(A). Upon

(B). About

(C). For

(D). After

It was kind ___ you to help?

(A). Of

(B). About

 (C). By

 (D). None of these

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