Pakistan Studies MCQs

British India [1857 – 1947] Pakistan Studies MCQs

First European to India was Alexander the Great.

Vasco da Gama came to in India in 1498.

Vasco da Gama was Portuguese where as Alexander the Great belonged to Macedonia.

East India Company was formed in 1600 in London.

 At Meerut, firstly the War of Independence was fought.

 The first Viceroy of the Indian subcontinent was Lord Canning

 Queen’s Proclamation was made in 1858

 Warren Hastings was the first Governor General of Bengal.

 Indian National Congress was founded by Allan O Hume in 1885

 First president of Congress was Womesh Chandra Bonnerji.

 Urdu Hindi controversy started in 1867

 Mohsin-ul-Mulk founded Urdu Defence Association.

Charles Canning was viceroy of India when Indian Council Act 1861 was passed.

The British Government appointed Warren Hastings as the first governor general in British India.

Before 1857, no university was established on Western pattern in India.

 MAO College at Aligarh was started in 1877.

Anjuman-i-Hamayati-Islam was started in 1884.

The first session of Mohammadan Educational Conference was held in Bengal in 1886.

 The partition of Bengal took place on 16th October 1905.

 Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in 1913.

 Quaid-e-Azam joined Indian National Congress in 1906.

 Quaid-e-Azam left Indian National Congress in 1920.

The Government of India Act 1935, divided the country into eleven provinces.

In the Provincial Elections of 1937, All India Muslim League won largest number of United Province (UP).

 Lord Pathick Lawrence the Secretary of State for India who led the Cabinet Mission in 1946 AD.

Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league in 1938 A.D.

Congress launched “Quit India Movement” against the British Government in 1942 A.D.

 In the Interim government of 1946, the health minister was Ghazanfar All Khan.

After Sir Aga Khan III (1st President), the next president of All India Muslim League was Raja Sahib of Mahmoodabad (2nd).

 Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points on March 28, 1929

15 thoughts on “Pakistan Studies MCQs”

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