Pakistan Studies MCQs

The Pakistan Resolution was translated into Urdu by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan.

The chairman of the Council of Common Interests is the Prime Minister.

OGRA is the regulatory body for Oil and gas.

Junagadh announced its accession to Pakistan on 15 August 1947.

 Liaqat All Khan visited USA in May 1950.

 Pakistan and USA signed Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement in 1954.

 Pakistan withdrew from SEATO in November 1973.

 Ayub Khan visited USA in July 1961.

 Zhou Enlai, Premier of China, visited Pakistan in December 1956.

 Ayub Khan visited China in March 1965.

 In 1952, World Bank offered good offices to settle water dispute between India and Pakistan.

The National Anthem of Pakistan is written by Hafiz Jalandhri.

National Flag of Pakistan was designed by Amir udin Kidwai.

The national bird of Pakistan is Chakor.

The National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.

The National Tree of Pakistan is Deodar.

The national animal of Pakistan is Markhor.

Motorway M-8 Section will lead to Gwadar Port.

18th Amendment Bill was passed by National Assembly on 8th April 2010.

Sardar Bahadur Khan was the first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly constituted under the 1962 constitution of Pakistan.

Water accord between provinces was signed in 1991.

Freedom of Information Ordinance‘ was introduced in Pakistan in 2002.

  The longest Motorway of Pakistan is M8.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan comprises 16 Judges. 

The duration of National anthem of Pakistan is 80 seconds.

Pakistan Studies MCQs Quizzes

15 thoughts on “Pakistan Studies MCQs”

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