Pakistan Studies MCQs

Ghyasuddin Tughlaq was the founder of Tughlaq dynasty.

Sayyid Khizr Khan was the founder of the Sayyid dynasty of the Delhi sultanate.

The Lodhi Dynasty was founded by Bahlol Lodhi.

Budaun remained capital of Delhi Sultanate from 1210 to 1214.

Ghiyes-ud-din Balban dissolved Chalisa (The forty)

Iltutmish was son-in-law of Qutb al-Din Aibak.

Alauddin Khilji defeated Mongols in their attack on Delhi in 1299.

Alauddin Khilji was the first to separate religion from Politics.

Amir khushrou was court poet of Allauddin’s court.

Price control policy was introduced by Ala-ud-din Khilji.

Ibne-Batuta an African Traveler visited India in 1333.

Amir Timur Invaded India in 1398.

Mongols conquered Lahore briefly in 1241.

Ibne Batuta stayed in the court of Muhammad bin Taghluq for several years.

 In 1327, Muhammad ben Tughluq ordered to move his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad.

 In 1330, Muhammad bin Taghluq replaced gold and silver coins with coins of brass and copper as the currency.

 In 1333, Muhammad bin Tughluq ordered invasion of China which failed.

Feroz Shah Taghluq promoted canal irrigation system in sub-continent.

 Ziya al-Din Barani wrote the Tarikh-e Firoz Shahi (History of Firoz Shah).

  Saint Rukn-e-Alam lived during the rule of Muhammad bin Tughluq.

 The Sultan of Delhi Firoz Shah Tughlaq (last ruler of Tughluq dynasty) is reputed to have built the biggest network of canals in India.

Kitab ul Hind was written by Al Biruni in 1030 A.D.

Mughal Emperor:

[1526 – 1540] and then again [1556 – 1857]

Suri Dynasty: [1540 – 1556]

15 thoughts on “Pakistan Studies MCQs”

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