Pakistan Studies MCQs

  Home Rule Movement was founded by Annie Basent in 1916.

Mohenjo Daro historical site was discovered by John Marshall in 1922.

 Liaquat All Khan joined all India Muslim League as a member in 1923.

 The Government of India Act 1935 divided the country into eleven provinces.

 In the Provincial Elections of 1937, all India Muslim League won largest number of seats in the United Province (UP).

Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum (1863-1937) had rendered great services for the educational uplift of the Muslims of NWFP.

 The Central Muhammadan Association was founded in 1877 by Syed Ameer Ali.

Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar helped Quaid-i-Azam in the preparation of his Fourteen Points in 1929.

 Quetta was devastated by severe earthquake on 31 May, 1935.

Chaudhry Rehmat Ali first used the word ‘Pakistan‘ in his pamphlet ‘Now or Never’ in 1933.

 Congress launched “Quit India Movement” against the British Government in 1942.

In the interim government of 1946, the health minister was Ghazanfar All Khan.

 The Hindus had launched “Swadeshi Movement” (to boycott English made goods) in the wake of Partition of Bengal 1905.

 Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in 1913.

 The Khaksar Tehrik was established by Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi in 1931.

Divide and Quit‘ said by Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Lord Mountbatten announced the Formula of 3rd June 1947 to divide India.

 On 18th July, 1947, Indian Independence Act received royal assent.

The Maharaja of Kashmir signed the so-called Instrument of Accession to India on 26 October 1947.

15 thoughts on “Pakistan Studies MCQs”

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    You have made a good effort to organise the one liner mcqs. Mam can we download it in pdf ?
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    Thank you


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