FIA Complete Solved Paper Held ON 17.12.2021 MCQs

FIA Complete Solved Paper Held ON 17.12.2021 MCQs

LAN stands for ____?

  1. Limited Area Network
  2. Logical Area Network
  3. Local Area Network
  4. Large Area Network

Who was the President of USA at the time of creation of Pakistan?

  1. Harry Truman
  2. Roosevelt
  3. Ali Khan
  4. none

First Governor-General of Pakistan fixed his salary as ?

  1. Rs 1
  2. Rs 4
  3. Rs 6
  4. Rs 10

Which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution??

  1. Presidential
  2. Parliamentary
  3. Autonomous
  4. Basic Democracy
  5. None of these

Who compiled Sunan Ibn Majah?

  1. Abdul Rehman
  2. Iman Bukhari
  3. Ibn Majah.
  4. None

CRT is a form of _____

  1. monitor
  2. printer
  3. software
  4. None

Which is the world's smallest country?

  1. UK
  2. Nepal
  3. Vatican city
  4. None

which country is the smallest republic in the world?

  1. Indonesia
  2. Vatican
  3. Nauru
  4. None of these

Ibn-e-Maja wrote ______book?

  1. Kitab al Athaar
  2. Quran fil Asr il Hazir
  3. Kitab al Tafsir
  4. Sunnan wal Ahadith
  5. None of these

قلعہ اٹک کو کس مغل بادشاہ نے تعمیر کروایا تھا؟

  1. جہانگیر
  2. شاہ جہاں
  3. بابر
  4. اکبر
  5. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

HTML is an abbreviation for:

  1. Hypertext Mark Language
  2. Hypertext Markup Language
  3. Hi Tech Meaningful Language
  4. Hypertext Markup Link

HTML is used to create ____

  1. web page
  2. machine language program
  3. both
  4. None

1956 constitution is promulgated in

  1. 2 june 1956
  2. 3 july 1956
  3. 23 March 1956
  4. 5 April 1956

You use an input device such as keyboard or mouse to _____ information

  1. input
  2. Output
  3. Data
  4. None

First elected president of Pakistan?

  1. Iskandar Mirza
  2. Ayub Khan
  3. zulifqar Ali Bhutto
  4. None

Ctrl + Y used for :

  1. Redo
  2. Paste
  3. Cut
  4. Undo

On 24th July, 2018 in solidarity with Freedom Struggle of Kashmir Martyred Youth Leader Burhan Wani, Pakistan issued Commemorative:

  1. Postage stamp
  2. Currency
  3. Prize Bound
  4. None

LDA stand for _____

  1. London Development Agency
  2. Lahore Development Authority
  3. both
  4. none

When Twitter was launched ____?

  1. 2007
  2. 2009
  3. 2006
  4. 2003

Where can the tallest building Burj Khalifa be found?

  1. Turkey
  2. England
  3. Dubai
  4. India

How you can update the values of formula cell.If auto calculate the mode of excel cell is disabled

  1. f9
  2. f2
  3. f7
  4. none

Who declared 4th Marshall Law in Pakistan_?

  1. Ayoub Khan
  2. Parvez Musharraf
  3. Sikandar Ali Mirza
  4. None of the above

What unit is used to measure lines of longitude?

  1. degree
  2. Latitude
  3. Both
  4. None

How many famous ports of Pakistan ?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

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