Everyday science mcqs for CSS, PMS and other competitive exams preparation online.
#1. What is Dry Ice?
#2. CNG stands for?
#3. Jaundice affects the:
#4. What is the age of universe according to Big Bang theory ?
#5. Fathometer is used to measure?
#6. Hygrometer is used for measuring the _ _?
#7. The nearest planet to the Earth is __?
#8. Fluorescent tubes and thermometer are made of?
#9. According to Big Bang theory concepts, the universe is?
#10. What is Nebula?
#11. Freezing point of water is:
#12. Which is the biggest planet of Solar system?
#13. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into ___colors.
#14. 1 light year = ?
#15. A camera uses a __ to form an image.
#16. What are cyclones?
#17. Sensitive layer of the eye is
#18. Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible
#19. Sound waves are __ waves.
#20. Light year is the unit of the
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There are twenty question in this everyday science mcqs css and pms quiz. Maximum time allowed for each quiz is twenty minutes.