FPSC Assistant Director IB Paper (2019)

Assistant Director IB (2019)

Who raised the Slogan of “Rotti. Kapra and Makan among the presidents of Pakistan?

A) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

B) General-Zia

C) Nawaz Sharif

D) None of these

After getting the boarding card, why la passenger is not allowed to go out of the airport?

A) To avoid the repetition of process

B)  For other security purposes

C) None of these

 D) Both a & b

In case of fire in a multi story building the residence should vacate the building?

A) Through the stairs only

B) By the elevation if available

C) Both a & b

D) None of these

For effective fire security systems the fire drill in a building must be conducted?

A) Once a year

B) Twice a year

C) Thrice a year

D) None of these

Outsourcing of the security in government institutions

A) A healthy trend in public sector

B) It indicates the mintrend

C) Both of these

 D) None of these

For the purpose of ensuring security, In how many parts an airport is divided?

A) Two sector

B) Three sectors

C) Four sectors

D) None of these

Who wrote Sulah-e-Hudibiya?

A) Hazrat Umer R.A

B) Hazrat Usman R.A

C) Hazrat Ali R.A

D) None of these

The motto of ASF is?

A) Courage of determination

B) Firm and courteous

C) Both a & b

D) None of these

The Headquarter of ASF is in?

A) Lahore

B) Karachi

C) Islamabad

D) None of above

The main objective of ASF is?

A) Build confidence passengers travelling by air

B) Counter potential offenders

C) Provide security to civil aviation installation

D) None of these

The least populous country of the world is?

A) Switzerland

B) Belgium

C) Jordan

D) Vatican

The oil price has shown a downward trend due to?

A) America-Iran deal

B) Common Wealth Summit

C) Syrian Civil war

D) none of above

The US President who assassinated during his office?

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) George Washington

C) Rore willson

D) None of these

Argentina is located is?

A) North America

B) South America

C) Europe

D) Africa

‘Struggle for Pakistan’ was written by?

A) Waheed-Uz-Zaman

A) Dr. IH Qureshi

C) Sharif uddin pirzada

D) Zia Sulheri

Animal Husbandry University is at?

A) Karachi

B) Lahore

C) Faisalabad

D) None of these

NAB was created in?

A) November 1, 1990

B) January 12, 2000

C) October 17, 1999

D) None of aboveMore detail

Pakistan-China border treaty was signed in 1963 on?

A) 3 March

B) 2 June

C) 1 June

D) None of these

Which gas is predominantly responsible for global warming?

A) CO2

B) Carbon monoxide

C) Nitrogen peroxide

D) None of these  

Motorway 8 is actually between?

A) D G Khan-Sibi

B) Ratodero-Gawadar

C) Faisalabad-Multan

D) None of above

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