Male ASDEO’s in Elementary & Secondary School Department 2020

Male ASDEO’s in Elementary & Secondary School Department 2020 for preparation.

Fill in the blank: I am disgusted …… the filth that surrounds my house.

A) With

B) At

C) On

D) From

Fill in the blank: I …… to attend a marriage.

A) Had gone

B) Were gone

C) Went

D) Will be going

Fill in the blank: The whole family ……. an appearance.

A) Put out

B) Put in

C) Put on

D) Put across

Fill in the blank: I have no objection …… the proposals made by Adnan.

A) To

B) For

C) Against

D) About

Fill in the blank: Sana received three proposals ……. mine.

A) Except

B) Beside

C) Besides

D) After

Choose the opposite meaning of “Predicament” (پیشین گوئی):

A) Problem

B) Eventful

C) Conspicuous

D) Ease

Choose the opposite meaning of “Conscientious” (باضمیر):

A) Scientific

B) Thoughtful

C) Wicked

D) Negligent

Choose the opposite meaning of “Craving” (آرزو کرنا):

A) Dislike

B) Crucial

C) Coarse

D) Agree

Choose the opposite meaning of “Analogous” (ملتا جلتا):

A) Relative

B) Different

C) Indefinite

D) Blind  

Choose the opposite meaning of “Tranquil” (سکون):

A) Hard

B) Noisy

C) Disagree

D) Complex

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Arduous” (مشکل ۔ سخت):

A) Easy

B) Make circular

C) Difficult

D) None of these

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Appease” (منانا – خوش کرنا):

A) Urge

B) To satisfy

C) Enrage

D) None of these

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Antithesis” (برعکس):

A) Objection

B) Isolated

C) Reaction

D) None of these

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Ecstasy” ( وجدانی کیفیت):

A) Rapture

B) Grief

C) Jealousy

D) None of these

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Parity” (برابری):

A) Reenact

B) Miniature

C) Law of rule

D) Similarity

The provision of separate electorate for Hindus & Muslims was made in:

A) Government of India Act

B) Mountbatten Plan

C) Minto-Morley Reforms

D) None of these

All the Round Table Conferences were held in:

A) Calcutta

B) London

C) Bombay

D) Delhi

The Prime Minister of Britain at the time of Pakistan-India independence was?

A) Clement Atlee

B) Winston Churchill

C) Lord Mountbatten

D) Ramsay McDonald

Name the Province which has the longest coastline?

A) Sindh

B) Baluchistan

C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

D) Punjab

The Largest seaport of Pakistan is:

A) Bin Qasim

B) Karachi

C) Gawadar

D) None of these  

Choose the opposite meaning of “Nurture” (پرورش کرنا):

A) Diet

B) Value

C) Approve

D) Neglect

Choose the opposite meaning of “Miscellaneous” (متفرق):

A) Different

B) Vague

C) Similar

D) Mingle

Choose the opposite meaning of “Pertinent” (مناسب):

A) Irreverent

B) Quick

C) proper

D) Refer

Choose the opposite meaning of “Transient” (عارضی):

A) Temporary

B) Shining

C) Dull

D) Permanent

Choose the opposite meaning of “Incline” (مائل ہونا):

A) Refuse

B) Rise

C) Natural

D) Feel

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Profane” (ناپاک):

A) Pretend

B) Abuse

C) Alarming

D) Unholy

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Slothful” (کام چور):

A) Angry

B) Quiet

C) Lazy

D) Peaceful

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Pilfer” (چوری کرنا):

A) Steal

B) Stupid

C) Decayed

D) False

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Persecute” (اذیت دینا):

A) Confuse

B) Harass

C) Court case

D) Explain

Choose the nearly same meaning of “Negotiate” (بات چیت کرنا):

A) Demand

B) Discuss

C) Prevail

D) None of these 

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