FIA ASI Past Paper 2019 MCQs

FIA ASI Past Paper 2019 MCQs

Pakistan lies between the latitudes

  1. 25N to 36N
  2. 56N to 66N
  3. 24N to 37N
  4. None

Fatima Bhutto was the daughter of:

  1. Murtaza Bhutto
  2. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
  3. Ghanwa Bhutto
  4. None of the above

In Pakistan national action plane established:

  1. December 25, 2015
  2. December 25, 2016
  3. December 25, 2014
  4. December 25, 2017

Who was Syed Jamal Uddin Afghani?

  1. Poet
  2. Thinker
  3. Indian
  4. All of these

In which year Syed Jamal uddin Afhani died_______?

  1. 1895
  2. 1896
  3. 1897
  4. 1898

Which book of Allama Iqbal was published on Economy?

  1. Payam-E-Mashriq
  2. Kulliyat-E-Iqbal
  3. Bang-E-Dara
  4. Ilm-Al-Iqtisad
  5. None of the above

Which of the following pass connects Dera Ismail Khan with Ghazni (Afghanistan)?

  1. Dargai Pass
  2. Bolan pass
  3. Gomal pass
  4. Toch pass
  5. None

Which is the National game of Pakistan ?

  1. Hockey
  2. Cricket
  3. Badminton
  4. Boxing
  5. Football

The height of Nanga Parbat is?

  1. 8226m
  2. 8126m
  3. 8326m
  4. 8026m

Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth?

  1. Korakoram
  2. Hindu kush
  3. Alps
  4. Himalayas
  5. None of these

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