Everyday Science MCQS Set-12

Everyday Science MCQS Set-12 for preparation.

Nearest star to the sun is:

A. Proxima Centauri
B. Alpha Scorpius
C. Beta Orionis
D. Vegetal

Charon is the natural satellite of:

A. Neptune
B. Jupiter
C. Pluto
D. Uranus

The world’s first test tube baby was born in which of the following?

A. Spain
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. China

Which of the planet moves fastest around the Sun?

A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. None of these

Which of the planet moves slowest around the Sun?

A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. None of these

What is the position of the Earth when it is at the closest distance from the sun?

A. Aphelion
B. Perihelion
C. Apogee
D. Perigee

We live in which of the following galaxy?

A. Black Hole
B. Andromeda
C. Milky Way
D. Virgo A

Snow-coated Mountains are found in which of the following Planet?

A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Pluto
D. None of these

How many satellites are present in Jupiter?

A. 73
B. 75
C. 77
D. 79

The constellation of seven bright stars is known as:

A. The Milky Way
B. The great Bear
C. Asteroids
D. Satellites

Which of the following protein is the most abundant in chloroplast?

A. Pepsin
B. Trypsin
C. Rubisco
D. Erypsin

The carrying capacity of blood is increased by the presence of hemoglobin by how many times?

A. 50 Times
B. 70 Times
C. 98 Times
D. 100 Times

Which of the following acid is produced in our stomach to digest food?

A. Nitric Acid
B. Hydrochloric Acid
C. Carbonic Acid
D. None of these

There is a well developed system of rings around it. This statement is about?

A. Uranus
B. Saturn
C. Venus
D. Jupiter

Which is the brightest star in the night sky?

A. Denim
B. Sun
C. Sirius
D. Altair

The planet which has longest year is:

A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Neptune

The planet which has shortest year is:

A. Mercury
B. Jupiter
C. Earth
D. Pluto

A light year is equal to:

A. 6 million, million km
B. 7,50 million, million km
C. 9.50 million, million km
D. 11 million, million km

The earth revolves around the sun at a speed of:

A. 18.5 km/sec
B. 26.6 km/sec
C. 29 km/sec
D. 31.9 km/sec

What is the rank of the earth in the solar system in terms of size?

A. Third
B. Fourth
C. Fifth
D. Sixth

The planet which has longest day is:

A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Pluto

The heaviest mass revolving round the Sun is:

A. Moon
B. Jupiter
C. Neptune
D. Pluto

What are ‘Red giants’?

A. Caucasians
B. Old stars
C. Young stars
D. None of these

‘Blue dwarfs’ refer to:

A. Caucasians
B. Young stars
C. Old stars
D. None of these

The group of small pieces of rock revolving round the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called:

A. Meteors
(b) Comets
C. Meteorites
D. Asteroids

The comet, named after Edmund Halley, reappears after a time of every:

A. 36 years
B. 76 years
C. 55 years
D. 56 years

How many Satellites (Moons) of Saturn Planet?

A. 57
B. 66
C. 76
D. 82

Which planet contains largest quantity of carbon dioxide with 95%?

A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Mercury

Name the first artificial satellite?

A. Sputnik I, of the former Soviet Union
B. Suez I, of the former Soviet Union
C. Apollo I, of the USA
D. Skylab, of the USA

Name the first animal to be sent in space?

A. Laika
B. Laitka
C. Dolly
D. Panda

When did the space age begin with the launch of the Russian Sputnik?

A. October 4, 1950
B. October 2, 1952
C. September 4, 1954
D. October 4, 1957

The first ever artificial satellite was launched by:

A. Russia
B. France
C. Japan
D. America

Who was the first Saudi (first Muslim also) in space?

A. Rai Shaher Yar
B. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
C. Muhammad Faris
D. Sultan Salman Al Saud

Who was the first person in space?

A. Marc Garneau
B. Yang Liwei
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. None

Which is the US space shuttle?

A. Colombia
B. Discovery
C. Apollo – II
D. Both A& B

Hubble is a (launched in 1990)

A. Rocket name
B. Space station
C. Space telescope
D. Microscope

The planet which revolves very slowly around the sun is:

A. Neptune
B. Jupiter
C. Mars
D. None of these

How many planets are present in our galaxy?

A. 9
B. 8
C. 10
D. 11

Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the:

A. Shape of the Earth
B. Rotation of the Earth around the Sun
C. Rotation of the Earth on its axis
D. Movement of the Sun

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