SPSC Past Papers

The capital of Maldives is:

(A). Naifru

(B). Manila

(C). Male

(D). Kuala Lumpur

Chahgori and Savage mountain are other names of:

(A). Nanga Parbat


(C). K-2

(D). Mount Everest

What is viticulture?

(A). Cultivation of grapes

(B). Growing small plants

(C). Growing tobacco

(D). Cultivation of spices

Which country faces a war with Houthis in Yemen?

(A). Iran


(C). Turkey

(D). None of these

Post-Cold War International System is generally characterized as:

(A). Uni-polar


(C). Multi-polar

(D). None

Tiredness is felt on the top of the mountains because of:

(A). High temperature

(B). Low temperature

(C). Low pressure outside the body

(C). High temperature outside the body

Approximately what percentage of children in Sindh are stunted?

(A). 46%


(C). 21%

(D). 33%

Choose the correct one word substitution: “Lean and Mean”?

(A). To create something

(B). To destroy something

(C). Using only what is necessary

(D). Not afraid dangerous situation

The Solar eclipse of 26 December 2019 in Pakistan was named:

(A). Dark Hour

(B).Bite of Sun

(C). Ring of Fire

(D). None

Choose the Antonym of ‘Discrepancy’:

(A). Inconsistency

(B). Harmony

(C). Inappropriate

(D). Variance

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