Preventive Officer Paper Batch-2 (30-09-2020) Test Solved Past Paper MCQs for preparation.
When Zakat become obligatory?
- 2 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- None
Pakistan and Afghanistan border is known as :
- Durand line
- Mechmohan line
- Line of control
- None
Where is Headquarter of Pakistan railways?
- Fasilabad
- Karachi
- Islamabad
- Lahore
First space settliate was launched by which country?
- Russia
- Uk
- India
Who become acting president in the absence of president of Pakistan?
- Chairman NAB
- Chairman Senate
- Speaker NA
- None
Balochistan was given the status of province during the era of______?
- Yahiha Khan
- Feroz Khan Noon
- Ayoub Khan
- Ghulam Muhammad
When British government shifted capital from Calcutta to Delhi______?
- 1904
- 1919
- 1911
- None of these
CPEC will link through which pass?
- Khanjrab
- Tochi
- Maztagh
- None
What is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan called_______?
- Durand Line
- Line of control
- Free Line
- Dukhtar Line
Largest Muslim country by landmass is:
- Mali
- Pakistan
- Indonesia
- Kazakhstan
Formula in Excell starts with
- +
- –
- =
- [
45th summit of Group of Seven (G7) held in
- France
- UK
______To change line height to 1.5 which is the following correct command?
- Ctrl +5
- Ctrl +2
- Ctrl+4
- None
Which khalifa take action against those person who refuse to pay Zakat?
- Abu Bakar
- Hazrat umar
- Hazrat ali
- None
Which country first recognize Pakistan after its independence?
- China
- Turkey
- India
- Iran
Who suggested the name “Ahmed” for Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
- Hazrat Amina
- Hazrat Abdullah
- Hazrat Abdul Mutalib
- Hazrat Qasim
- None of the above
Khalafat movement was abolished in which year?
- 1923
- 1934
- 1924
- None
Hazrat Abu Bakr sent which companion to Syria?
- Khalid bin Waleed
- Saad bin abi waqas
- Both
- None
Ms Excel is a
- Spreadsheet program
- Multimedia software
- Entertainment software
- None
BRICS was formed in ?
- 2019
- 2009
- 2008
- 2006
Which of the following is Currency of China?
- Yuan
- Yen
- Dinar
- Rupee
Khalafat was abolished by
- Mustifa Kamal Ataturk
- 1924
- both
- None
Canada and USA border is __ border of world
- Largest
- Smallest
- Dangerous
- None
Which countries are founding members of ECO?
- Iran
- Pakistan
- Turkey
- All
What is H5N1 ?
- Virus
- Disease
- Both
- None
Data arrangements in cell is known as
- Sorting
- Delete
- Arrange
- None
The forth state of matter is
- Water
- Salt
- Plasma
- None
In a computer processed data is known as
- Information
- Output
- Information or output
- None
Dir is famous for
- Artificial forest
- Tidal forests
- Natural forests
- Bela forests
Which shortcut key is used for Justify?
- Ctrl+J
- Ctrl +I
- Shift + J
- None
Who is the founder of metrology?
- Einstein
- Plato
- Aristotle
- None
Suiz canal connects?
- Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
- Red Sea and Black Sea
- Yellow River and Yangtze River
- None of these
Denuclearization date of Korea on January 20 ?
- 1992
- 1993
- 1955
- 1999
How many list of Powers according to 1973 constitution?
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 5
Where is the Headquarter of transpiracy international is located?
- Geneva
- Hague
- Berline
- London
1962 constitution is known as _ constitution of Pakistan
- 2nd
- 1st
- 3rd
- None
Dhimmi means?
- Non Muslim living in an Islamic state
- Type of tax
- Both
- None
5th eastern economic forum was held in
- Russian
- Uk
- Canada