Protection and the Protect Sheet options can be selected from?
(A). Data
(B). Tools
(C). Edit
(D). None of These
What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?
(A). Transpose
(B). Index
(C). Hyperlinks
Formula palette is used to?
(A). Format Cells
(B). Create and Edit Formulas Containing Functions
(C). Entered Assumptions Data
(D). None of These
In Ms Excel Ready made templates are available under ….. tab ?
(A). File
(B). Insert
(C). Design
(D). None of Above
When you insert an Excel file into a word document, the data are?
(A). Hyperlinked
(B). Placed in a word table
(C). linked
(D). None of These
How many columns are in one Microsoft Excel sheet?
(A). 65,536
(B). 16,384
(C). 1,048,576
(D). None of Above
How many rows are in one Microsoft Excel sheet?
(A). 65,536
(B). 16,384
(C). 1,048,576
(D). None of Above
User developed instruction for excel are called?
(A). Progrms
(B). Macros
(C). Procedured
(D). None of These
In a computer spreadsheet, SUM, AVERAGE, MIN and MAX are examples of ?
(A). Calculations
(B). Formulas
(C). Functions
(D). None of These