PPSC Junior Clerk Land Record Authority 2023 Paper – 100 Marks Quiz

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PPSC Junior Clerk Land Record Authority 2023 Quiz

  • Total MCQs: 100
  • Maximum Marks: 100
  • Time Allowed: 100 Minutes
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#1. The largest stock market of the Asia is:

#2. Who is known as the father of local self government:

#3. The founder of Indian National Congress is ?

#4. How many members of Economic Cooperation Organization:

#5. in Which city, the headquarters of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) are situated:

#6. The world’s oldest parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is:

#7. Upper House of the Indian Parliament is known as the ?

#8. Harappa is situated in:

#9. Which laboratory in Pakistan is related to nuclear power:

#10. Ahmad Sukarno was President of which country:

#11. National Poet of pakistan is:

#12. Which of the following places is the rainiest in Pakistan:

#13. The site of Harappa is located in which province:

#14. When Sheikh Mujib gave six points:

#15. Which one of the following countries was the last one to become a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)?

#16. UN Charter has how many chapters

#17. At ___ in 1945 U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin made important decisions regarding the future progress of the war and the postwar world.

#18. When Iran left Baghdad Pact:

#19. On ____ Israel pulled back from southern Lebanon to the international borderline, in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 425.

#20. Tomb of Nur Jahan is located in:

#21. When did Spain join NATO:

#22. the supreme judicial council is comprised of how many judges:

#23. The Capital of British India was transferred from Calcutta to Delhi in the year ?

#24. Census is held in Pakistan after every:

#25. The non-cooperation movement was launched on ____ by the Indian National Congress:

#26. The idea of Pakistan was first conceived by:

#27. Father of nuclear bomb in Pakistan:

#28. When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed:

#29. The Tashkent declaration between Pakistan and India was signed on:

#30. Which country is located west of Pakistan:

#31. What is the major dispute between India and Pakistan:

#32. Ceasefire Line of Kashmir was drawn in the year:

#33. The Second Round Table Conference was held in:

#34. The Constitution of 1956 was:

#35. توریت کس پیغبر علیہ السلام پر نازل ہوئی؟

#36. حضورؤﷺ کے چچا حضرت عباس کی نماز جنازہ کس نے پڑھائی تھی

#37. حضرت موسیؑ کی پرورش کس کے گھر ہوئی؟

#38. اللہ نے کس قوم کو ان کے گناہوں سمیت سمندر میں غرق کر دیا؟

#39. غزوہ بدر میں مسلمانوں پر نیند طاری کی گئی

#40. سورہ البقرہ میں اللہ پاک نے کس کی مثال دیتے ہوئیے فرمایا کے اللہ شرماتا نہیں؟

#41. ابلیس ـــــــــــــــ میں سے تھا

#42. which Prophet was put in the fire?

#43. 1st UAE Commercial flight land in Isreal on

#44. Factoring 3X2y2-14xy +16

#45. if x=3+2√2 find the value of √x-1/√x

#46. 6*6 inch tiles rate Rs .60 room area of 10*6 feet. The total cost of tiles flooring is

#47. What is 9/11 -5/7 ?

#48. 1/2 ,2/3 , 3/4, and 4/5 as like fractions are

#49. Cube root of 0.0027 is :

#50. He is not yield ____ enemy as he is brave.

#51. Find Error : I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident – my behavior is speaking itself.

#52. He says “I shall go there:

#53. I asked ____the health of my friends

#54. I have____ my friends who helps me to solve the problem.

#55. The antonym of forbid:

#56. The antonym of parasite:

#57. The word Everyone is an ?

#58. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idion. Red-letter day

#59. Friendly is which part of speech:

#60. BUll : Cow :: Cock ?

#61. Cloth: Closet :: Photo ?

#62. Select the approprite meaning of the given idiom. To take French leave:

#63. Pass away means:

#64. مرثیہ کس نوعیت کی شاعری کو کہتے ہیں؟

#65. وہ شاعری جس کے اشعار آپس میں مربوط اور مطابقت رکھتے ہوں اسے کہتے ہیں؟

#66. مشہور نظم ” طلواسلام ” کے شاعر کون ہیں؟

#67. یہ آرزو تھی تھجے گل کے روُ بروٗ کرتے ہم اور بلبل بے تاب گفتگو کرتے یہ شعر کس کا ہے؟

#68. کتاب ارمغان حجاز کا مصنف کون ہے؟

#69. کس شیر کی آمد ہے کہ رن کانپ رہا ہے۔رن ایک طرف چرخ کہن کانپ رہا ہے یہ شعر کس کا ہے؟

#70. پتا پتا بوٹا بوٹا حال ہمارا جانے ہے، جانے نہ جانے ہے گل ہی نہ جانے باغ تو سارا جانے ہے

#71. نذر محمد راشد کس صنف میں عری کرتے تھے؟

#72. قصیدہ کس لفظ سے نکلا ہے؟

#73. بین کرنا کس شعری صنف کا جز ہے ؟

#74. Pasteur Institute worldwide biomedical research organization was the first to isolate HIV :

#75. Study of life is called:

#76. …….. is the most abundant mineral in the body:

#77. Determination of oxygen carried by hemoglobin is done by:

#78. Hemodialysis is a process of:

#79. Blood Pressure numbers of less than ______ mm Hg (millimeters of mercury) are considered within the normal range.

#80. Which of the following metals is not only magnetic but also radioactive?

#81. Breaking water up by separating it into hydrogen and oxygen is an example of a:

#82. Penicillin was discovered by:

#83. who among the following invented steam engine:

#84. The gas that filled the electric bulb is:

#85. in MS Excel we added _____ before fraction for not to enter date.

#86. If you press _______ the cell accepts your typing as its contents.

#87. with which of the following all formulas in excel starts:

#88. A Computer Program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called a/an

#89. which of the following holds data and processing instructions temporarily until the CPU needs it ?

#90. _______ work laid the foundatoins for the building of computers, and the creation of encryption in the 20th century.

#91. Which type of memory holds the computer startup routine?

#92. MS word offers the different views of a document?

#93. Microprocessor is the ____ of the computer and it perform all the computational tasks:

#94. WAN stands for:

#95. Which shortcut key is used for justifying the text of a Microsoft document ?

#96. Phases of the moon occur because:

#97. Which strait separates Italy from Sicily:

#98. Kanpur Dam is located in:

#99. Which of the following lake is called Paradise of birds?

#100. The largest earth filled dam of the world is:

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There are total one hundred MCQs in this PPSC Junior Clerk Land Record Authority 2023 Past Paper 100 Marks Quiz .

Maximum time allowed for any Punjab Public Service Commission test is 100 minutes. It is advised to aspirant must complete and submit their test on given time.

This Junior Clerk Land Record Authority 2023 Past Paper quiz test will help the students to understand paper pattern of PPSC and skill to manage paper on time.

It is recommended from our side that students must attempt all the MCQs in this Punjab Public Service Commission mock test.

After attempting all the questions in PPSC mock test, the candidates must submit their final quiz to see their marks for this test.

This clerks paper contains questions from the past paper of Junior Clerk Land Record Authority department conducted by PPSC in 2023.

The quizzes series aims helps the students in preparation of their Junior Clerk Land Record Authority department paper and other exams in PPSC online.

This Junior Clerk Land Record Authority Past Paper Quiz is one of the positive effort from MCQsQuiz.org team to support students in preparation of their upcoming PPSC clerks test.

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