Islamiat General Knowledge

Which Surah is known as Aroos-ul-Ouran?

(A). AI-Rehman

(B). Al-Asr

(C). Al-Baqarah

(D). Al-Alaq

How many years the Grand Father of Holy Prophet (SAW) assumed the responsibility of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

(A). 8 years

(B). 6 years

(C). 2 years

(D). None of these

The word Namaz is repeated for how many times in the Holy Quran?

(A). 700 times

(B). 800 times

(C). 600 times

(D). 500 times

How many Salats ware made obligatory during the Miraj?

(A). 5

(B). 11

(C). 9

(D). 7

The title of Khatib ul Ambiya was of:

(A). ). Hazrat Musa (A.S)

(B Hazrat Salih (A.S)

(C). Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)

(D). Hazrat Haroon (A.S)

Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was a slave and his master was?

(A). Ummayah bin Khalaf

(B). Ummayah bin Jahash

(C). Ummayah bin Thaqif

(D). Ummayah bin Jahim

While migrating from Makkah to Madina the Holy Prophet (SAW) took refuge in?

(A). Thaur Cave

(B). Dar-e-Arqam

(C). Hira Cave

(D). None of these

The first child who accept Islam was?

(A). Hazrat Usman R.A

(B). Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A

(C). Hazrat Umer R.A

(D). Hazrat Ali R.A

Sunan ibn Majah is one of the six major Sunni hadith collections. This book was authored by___?

(A).  Ibn Mājah

(B). Ahmad ibn Hanbal

(C). Abu Dawood

(D). None of these

Ghazwa Tabook was fought against:

(A). Persians

(B). Romans

(C). Jews

(D). None of these

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