FPSC IB AD Past Paper 28-07-2022 (BATCH-II) Test Solved MCQs

FPSC IB AD Past Paper 28-07-2022 (BATCH-II) Test Solved MCQs for preparation.

Antonym of Despire

  1. Abhor
  2. Disdain
  3. Demolish
  4. Admire

The antonym of ‘Deleterious’ is?

  1. Fatal
  2. Vital
  3. Inglourious
  4. Nourishing
  5. All of these

Shoot means.

  1. One tawaf of kaba
  2. One running between Saffarf and Marwa
  3. Stay in Arfat
  4. Stay in Madinah
  5. None of these

In which surah Quran name of Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris is mentioned.

  1. Baqra
  2. Nisa
  3. AL-Ahzab
  4. Al-Iman
  5. None of these

What is dry Ice ___ ?

  1. Solid oxygen
  2. Solid Nitrogen
  3. Solid Carbon dioxide
  4. none of these

Which surah is called surah-e-Shukr?

  1. Surah Khahaf
  2. Surah Maaida
  3. Surah Fatiha
  4. Surah Younis
  5. None of these

Al hadi is the name of Allah, what is its meaning?

  1. Maker
  2. Helper
  3. Alms giver
  4. Fie direction
  5. None of these

Which of the following planet has rings around its surface.

  1. Earth
  2. Saturn
  3. Jupiter
  4. Mars
  5. None of these

The black planet is called.

  1. Venus
  2. Pluto
  3. Mercury
  4. Neptune
  5. None of these

The synonym of ‘Paucity’ is?

  1. Abundance
  2. Scarcity
  3. Stoppage
  4. Quickness
  5. None

Antonyms of “Facsimile”:

  1. Engineered
  2. Original
  3. Reproduce
  4. Sincere
  5. None of these

One nautical mile is equal to.

  1. 570 feet
  2. 5970 feet
  3. 6076 feet
  4. 6800 feet
  5. None of these

The synonym of Sterile is:

  1. Barren
  2. Fertile
  3. Rich
  4. None of these

One kilometer is equal to?

  1. 100 miles
  2. 100 meters
  3. 1000 meters
  4. 1.6 miles

OIC headquarters located in which city?

  1. Jaddah
  2. Khatmando
  3. Geneva
  4. Makkah

What percent is 3/4 of 5/6?

  1. 75%
  2. 80%
  3. 90%
  4. 111%
  5. None of these

Who was the first ruler of slave Dynasty ?

  1. Sultan Ghouri
  2. Qutab ud Din Aibak
  3. Muhammad Shah
  4. None

When Hudood Ordinance was introduced in Pakistan first time.

  1. 1978
  2. 1981
  3. 1979
  4. 1984
  5. None of these

Ahmad______ smoking abruptly.

  1. Gave to
  2. Gave in
  3. Gave up
  4. Gave for
  5. None of these

Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj?

  1. Isha-Fajar
  2. Maghrib-Isha
  3. Fajar-Zuhar
  4. Zuhar-Asar
  5. None of these

The antonym of PENCHANT is_____?

  1. Distant
  2. Dislike
  3. Attitude
  4. Imminence
  5. None of these

Who is the author of the romantic novel Pride and Prejudice ____?

  1. Jane Ayre
  2. Jane Austen
  3. Jane Greene
  4. None of the above

22 April is celebrated as

  1. World Scout Day
  2. World water Day
  3. World Earth Day
  4. World Environment
  5. None of these

What is the antonym of Kindle?

  1. Detest
  2. Douse
  3. Friend
  4. Enemy
  5. Discourage

Graham Bell invented Telephone in the year?

  1. 1877
  2. 1876
  3. 1879
  4. 1888

Name of the capital of Iceland.

  1. Loma
  2. Port Villa
  3. Free Town
  4. Reykjavik

What was the portfolio of Liaqat Ali Khan in the Interim Cabinet in 1946?

  1. Education Minister
  2. Interior Minister
  3. Finance Minister
  4. Commerce minister

Quoram for National Assembly is.

  1. 1/3
  2. ½
  3. ¼
  4. 1/6
  5. None of these

14 persons earn Rs. 400 in 10 days. How many persons are required to earn Rs. 600.

  1. 18
  2. 24
  3. 21
  4. 15
  5. None of these

In which city Pakistan’s First Commercial Court inaugurated?

  1. Islamabad
  2. Lahore
  3. Karachi
  4. Peshawar

Rizwan will ______ Ayan for his misconduct.

  1. Deal in
  2. Deal on
  3. Deal by
  4. Deal with
  5. None of these

Fleet Street is situated in London is famous for.

  1. Banking and financial centre in London
  2. Stock exchange market in London in London
  3. World’s longest street
  4. Newspaper centre
  5. None of these

At least you are original I have never heard “that kind of an excuse” until now.

  1. That kind of excuse
  2. These kinds of excuses
  3. That sort of an excuse
  4. That kind of an excuse
  5. None of these

The famous Monroe Doctrine was enunciated on.

  1. 2 Dec 1823
  2. 4 April 1829
  3. 16 Dec 1845
  4. 2 June 1869
  5. None of these

The train travels 60 km in 1.5 hr a plane travels double that of a train. How many kilometers plane will travel in 20 minutes.

  1. 35 km
  2. 12 km
  3. 44 km
  4. 40 km
  5. None of these

Synonym: Debut

  1. Public
  2. Start appearance
  3. Set free
  4. Move fast
  5. None of these

The inquiry into cheating will enable the board to _____ the truth.

  1. Get on
  2. Get at
  3. Get out
  4. Get to
  5. None of these

8 is what percent of 2.

  1. 100%
  2. 200%
  3. 300%
  4. 400%
  5. None of these

A man standing at A moves towards the east and walks 300 meters then he turns towards the north and walks 400 meters then he turns towards the west and walks 300 meters how may he is away from starting point.

  1. 300 meters
  2. 400 meters
  3. 200 meters
  4. 2010
  5. None of these

Rizwan loses 5% by selling a table for Rs 1045. For how much should he sell the table to again 5% on it?

  1. 1155
  2. 1100
  3. 1180
  4. 1090
  5. None of these

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