English Synonym Quiz

This English Synonym Quiz consist twenty multiple choice question.

Resource: Past Papers English Questions.

English Synonym Quiz

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English Synonym Quiz

1 / 20

Choose the synonym of "Inveigh" ?

2 / 20

The synonym of 'AMBIGUOUS' is?

3 / 20

Choose the synonym of  'Haggard' ?

4 / 20

What is the synonym of "PROFANE" ?

5 / 20

The Synonym of "Cheeky" is?

6 / 20

The correct synonym of "Ecstasy" is:

7 / 20

Choose the most suitable synonym of 'Ostensible'?

8 / 20

Choose the synonym of  "Cataclysm" ?

9 / 20

The synonyms of "Catastrophe" is?

10 / 20

Choose the correct synonym of: HAUGHTY?

11 / 20

Synonym of "Blasphemy" is?

12 / 20

Synonym of 'Subsequent' is

13 / 20

The synonym of 'Abdicate' is

14 / 20

Choose the synonym of "PARITY":

15 / 20

What is appropriate the synonym of "Denigrate"?

16 / 20

The synonym of  'Antipathy' is:

17 / 20

The synonym of "Prerogative" is:

18 / 20

The synonym of DENIGRATE is:

19 / 20

The synonym of Incendiary is:

20 / 20

What is the synonym of Fulsome?

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The average score is 57%


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This English synonym quiz will help you to improve your English mcqs part for upcoming exams. This synonym quiz is equally important for all aspirant of FPSC PPSC SPSC KPPSC BPSC CSS PMS NTS and other exams.

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