English Literature MCQs

Oxford movement was the reaction of

A. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
B. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
C. Big Bang Theory
D. Quantum Theory

A pleasant way of referring to something unpleasant is called

A. Obscurity
B. Euphuism
C. Euphemism
D. Realism

Victorian age is followed by

A. Romantic Age
B. Elizabethan age
C. Modern Age
D. Classical Age

Who wrote ‘The Colossus’ in 1960?

A. Chinua Achebe
B. Toni Morrison
C. Ahmed Sulman Rushdie
D. Sylvia Plath

The author of The Bluest Eyes (1970) is _____?

A. Chinua Achebe
B. Toni Morrison
C. Ahmed Sulman Rushdie
D. Sylvia Plath

Shame (1983) is written by______?

A. Chinua Achebe
B. Toni Morrison
C. Ahmed Salman Rushdie
D. None of these

In Chaucer’s Legend of Good Women, how many legends are there?

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. None of these

Period in English Literature from 1901 to 1910 is called____?

A. The Pre-Raphaelites
B. The Post Modern
C. The Edwardian Period
D. The Georgian Period

The meaning a word within a language?

A. Sense
B. Common Sense
C. Essence
D. Sense

The term Implicature might refer to_____?

A. Text Structure
B. Double meaning
C. Conversational structure
D. None of these

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