English Literature MCQs

According to Longinus, the queen of figures is _?

A. Simile
B. Hyperbole
C. Apostrophe
D. Metaphor
E. None

Ashortstory writteninform ofverseiscalled

A. Elegy
B. Epic
C. Balled
D. Sonne

Who used the phrase “Unified Sensibility?

A. Dr. Johnson
B. Dryden
C. T.S. Eliot
D. Mathew

“An Essay on Criticism” by Pope is a/an:

A. Essay
B. Poem
C. Novel
D. Drama

Which was the first novel of Thomas Hardy published in 1871?

A. The Return of the Native
B. Desperate Remedies
C. A Pair of Blue
D. None of these

Name the English poet of 18th century whose works included Rape of the Lock, Dunciad and Essay on Man?

A. Nelson Mandela
B. Winston Churchill
C. Alexander Pope
D. None of these

It was the fashion of Renaissance for the scholars to write in the form of

A. Epic
B. Allegory
C. Mock-Epic
D. Balled

To attribute divinity to natural objects is called

A. Supernaturalism
B. Pantheism
C. Spectisim
D. Animism

Thomas Chatterton was _ years old when he dies.

A. 19
B. 18
C. 17
D. 16

Which of the following are Thomas Hardy books ?

A. The Poor Man and the Lady
B. The Return of Native
C. The Woodlanders
D. All of the above

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