Custom Inspector/Intelligence Officer (BS-16) 2019

Custom Inspector/Intelligence Officer (BS-16) 2019

Title Amin-ul-Ummat was given to?

A) Abdullah bin Masood

B) Abdullah bin Umar

C) Abdullah bin Abbas

D) Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

What is the meaning of Ihsan?

A) Perfection

B) Submission

C) Belief

D) None of these

How many months declared sacred?

A) 2 month

B) 4 month

C) 5 month

D) 8 monthDetail

What is the main message of Surah Hujrat?

A) kind towards women

B) Ethics

C) Treatment with slaves

D) None of these

What is meaning of Al-Baqarah?

A) Goat

B) Elephant

C) Cow

D) Spider

Headquarter of Asian Development Bank is in?

A) Manila

B) Tokyo

C) Bangkok

D) None of these

Trump-Kim summit was arranged at?

A) Thailand

B) Singapore

C) China

D) Japan

Which country has imposed tax on Carbon?

A) Singapore

B) Thailand

C) China

D) Germany

When International Forest day observed?

A) 21 March

B) 21 April

C) 23 September

D) None of the above

Name of the recent military operation started by Pakistan army?

A) Radd-al-Fasad

B) Rah e Nijaat

C) Zarb e Azb

D) None of these

Which were the main parties in the elections of 1970?

A) Awami League

B) Pakistan People’s Party

C) Both A & B

D) None of these

Who was the first elected president of Pakistan?

A) Sikander Mirza

B) Khaweja Nrtazirnuddin

C) Ayub Khan

D) None of these

India-Nepal-China corridor was proposed by?

A) India

B) China

C) Nepal

D) None of these

The traces of Harrapa Civilization were found in?

A) Sahiwal

B) Taxila

C) Attock

D) None of these

ASEAN Economic Ministers meeting 2018 was held in?

A) Thailand

B) Singapore

C) Philippines

D) None of these

US imposed 60$ billion tariff on which country?

A) India

B) Pakistan

C) China

D) None of these

Which of the world first democracy according to economist democratic index?

A) Greece


C) Norway

D) None of these

Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?

A) Syeda Tahir Sarwar

B) Ahmad Shireen Khan

C) Syed Rashid Ahmad

D) Sir Abdul Rashid

Who was the father of Allama Iqbal?

A) Shiekh Noor Muhammad

B) Shiekh Noor Elahi

C) Shiekh Ahmad Din

D) None of these

France signed armistice with the Nazi Germany in?

A) 1940

B) 1942

C) 1943

D) None of these

Who is the current security advisor to Trump?

A) John R. Bolton

B) Mike Pence

C) John Roberts

D) None of these

Name the Maldives President who recently won the election?

A) Ibrahim Muhammad

B) Muhammad Nosheed

C) Ahmad Zareef

D) None of these

Saudi crowned prince visited Pakistan on?

A) 16 Feb, 2019

B) 17 Feb, 2019

C) 1 March, 2019

D) None of these

Who among the following is the oldest election winning Prime Minister?

A) Imran Khan

B) Narendra Modi

C) Trump

D) Mahatir Muhammad

Who was killed in Saudi Embassy, Istanbul?

A) Jamal Khashoggi

B) Jamal Rashidu

C) Ramzan Nazar

D) None of these

Saudi Arabia has announced package of $….. for Pakistan?

A) 5.4 billion

B) 6.4 billion

C) 7.8 billion

D) 8.4 billion

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