Computer Hardware MCQs Online Test

Most Important Computer Hardware MCQs from past papers for one paper mcq test preparation.

Computer Hardware MCQs

Which of the following is used to convert softcopy into hardcopy?

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Monitor
  4. CPU

A device which encodes characters by the depression of keys is known as:

  1. Hard Drive
  2. Mouse
  3. Keyboard
  4. Printer

The heart of a computer system is:

  1. CPU
  2. Input Device
  3. Output Device
  4. None of these
The device which provides display to user is:
  1. CPU
  2. Printer
  3. Memory Unit
  4. Monitor

Computer Monitor is also called?

  1. DVD
  2. VDU
  3. CCTV
  4. DVU
VDU stands for
  1. Very Display Unit
  2. Virtual Display Uniform
  3. Visual Display Unit
  4. Virtual Detection Unit
The IC chip used in computers is made of____.
  1. Silicon
  2. microprocessor
  3. iron
  4. none
Which of following holds the ROM, CPU,RAM and Expansion cards
  1. Hard disk
  2. floppy disk
  3. All
  4. Mother board
Which operations are performed by RAM:
  1. Read and Write
  2. Decipher
  3. Read
  4. Write

Which printer is not a type of impact printer

  1. Automatic printer
  2. Electronc printer
  3. Laser printer

Identify the device through which data and instructions are entered into a computer:

  1. Memory
  2. Output Device
  3. Software
  4. Input device
While working in MS Word you have to work with:
  1. Mouse only
  2. Keyboard Only
  3. Both Mouse and Keyboard
  4. USB only
Hard disc in a computer is a or an :
  1. Processor
  2. Output Device
  3. Software
  4. Storage Device
Where does a computer add and compare data?
  1. Monitor
  2. CPU Chip
  3. Memory Chip
  4. Hard Disk
Computer performs five basic operations which are input, ____, output, storage and control.
  1. Execute
  2. Compile
  3. Process
  4. Compute
The ALU of the computer responds to the command coming from:
  1. Control Section
  2. External Memory
  3. Cache Memory
  4. Primary Memory

Which part of human body is likely to be a computer

  1. Brain
  2. Heart
  3. Lungs
  4. None

Which device is used to process data in pc?

  1. CPU
  2. RAM
  3. VDU
  4. DCU

The printed output from a computer is called?

  1. Hard Copy
  2. Copy
  3. Soft Copy
  4. Paper.

A device through which we enter data in a computer known as?

  1. Software
  2. Output Device
  3. Input Device
  4. Memory
A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains a ____ within it .
  1. Sensor
  2. computer
  3. laptop
  4. Program

The basic functions that a computer can perform is/are:

  1. Data processing
  2. Data storage
  3. Data movement and control
  4. All of these
____ is some mechanism that provides for communication among the control unit, ALU and registers.
  1. control unit connection
  2. CPU interconnection
  3. Wires
  4. Communications

The basic function performed by a computer is ____ of a program.

  1. Collection
  2. Execution
  3. Submission
  4. Calculation

A common application of multiplexing is in ____ communications.

  1. Two
  2. Facility
  3. Lowest
  4. Long-Haul
Trunks on long-haul networks is/are:
  1. Coaxial
  2. Microwave
  3. High-capacity fiber
  4. All of these
The idea behind limiting the lifetime of variables is to save:
  1. Register
  2. Memory space
  3. calling function
  4. codes

Which of the following is used to convert hardcopy into softcopy?

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Trackball
  4. Monitor
  5. CPU

____ performs the computer data processing functions.

  1. Control Unit
  2. ALU
  3. Registers
  4. CPU interconnection

The memory unit is one part of:

  1. Input device
  2. Control unit
  3. Output device
  4. Central Processing Unit

Which of the following is an output device

  1. Keyboard
  2. Printer
  3. Mouse
  4. None of the above

BIOS cannot work without?

  1. CPU
  2. Hard Drive
  3. RAM
  4. Motherboard

Volatile memory is computer memory that ____ power (electricity) to maintain the stored information.

  1. Required
  2. Not required
  3. May require
  4. None of these

CPU consists of ______ basic components.

  1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  2. Control unit and Registers
  3. Cache and Internal buses
  4. All of these
There are _______ basic types of RAM.
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 1

Flash Drives are also known as:

  1. USB memory pens
  2. USB pen drives
  3. USB memory sticks
  4. All of these

What is Communication device in Computer?

  1. hardware
  2. software
  3. both
  4. none of these

Optical Character Readers are used for:

  1. Visual Display
  2. Output
  3. Input
  4. Storage device

What type of device is a computer mouse?

  1. Input
  2. output
  3. data
  4. none of these
What do you need for an inkjet printer?
  1. a drum
  2. a cartridge
  3. a ribbon
  4. none of these

LaserJet printer is measured in:

  1. Page per minute
  2. Line per minute
  3. dots per inch
  4. none of these

Part of the system unit:

  1. motherboard
  2. CPU
  3. RAM
  4. ALL
CD-ROM is a
  1. Semiconductor memory
  2. Memory register
  3. Magnetic memory
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Which device has the largest storage capacity?

  1. DVD
  2. ALU
  3. CDROM
  4. Hard Disk
NTFS stands for:
  1. New Term File System
  2. New Technology File System
  3. New Technology File Server
  4. None of these

The hardcopy means:

  1. printer
  2. print out
  3. hard disk
  4. paper

Which of the following is an Output Device__?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Printer
  3. Scanner
  4. Mouse

The physical structure of the computer is called___

  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Human ware
  4. All of these

Printer is an example of ?

  1. hard copy
  2. soft copy
  3. photocopy
  4. none

A modem is connected to __?

  1. a telephone line
  2. a keyboard
  3. a printer
  4. a monitor

Which of the following is NOT a primary storage device?

  1. Magnetic Tape
  2. Hard Disk
  3. Optical Disk
  4. All of these
Internal hard disk is
  1. Fixed
  2. Not fixed
  3. Removable
  4. Removable but not fixed

Hard Disk drive are considered _____ storage.

  1. Flash
  2. non-volatile
  3. non-permanent
  4. temporary
  5. all of these

Hard Disk is an example of:

  1. Optical Storage
  2. Magnetic Storage
  3. Solid-State Device
  4. None of these

Hard disk Invented First by:

  1. IBM
  2. Jone
  3. Both
  4. None

The main memory of a computer can also be called____

  1. primary storage
  2. internal memory
  3. primary memory
  4. none of these

Hard disk in computer is a:

  1. storage device
  2. software
  3. Both
  4. None

When installing a peripheral you also usually need to install a :

  1. port
  2. server
  3. driver
  4. password

All peripheral devices connect with___?

  1. Motherboard
  2. CPU
  3. Keyboard
  4. None

The process of putting data into a storage location is called

  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Controlling
  4. None of these

Which of the following is an Output Device:

  1. Monitor
  2. Printer
  3. Headphones
  4. All of these

Which of the following are input devices?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Mouse
  3. Card reader
  4. All of these

The most common type of printer is?

  1. Scanner
  2. Laser Printers
  3. Dot-Matrix Printer
  4. Inkjet Printer

Who Invented the First Computer Mouse?

  1. Douglas Engelbart
  2. Ada Lovelace
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Graham Bell
  5. None of these

Touch Screen is _____?

  1. Input device
  2. Output device
  3. Both A & B above
  4. None of these

Which technology is used in compact disc?

  1. Laser
  2. Mechanical
  3. Electrical
  4. Electro Magnetic
The computer that processes computer analogy and digital is called____
  1. analogy computer
  2. digital computer
  3. hybrid computer
  4. mainframe computer

A _____ is video capturing device connected to a computer or computer network often using a USB port,

  1. Mouse
  2. FAX
  3. Web cam
  4. Monitor

In what order does a computer execute the program?

  1. Store, Fetch, Executive
  2. Fetch, Decede, Execute
  3. Execute, Frege, Decede
  4. None of these

Which is the secondary storage device?

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. Diode
  4. Hard Disc

Charles Babbage computer was called?

  1. Abacus
  2. Super Computer
  3. Analytical Engine
  4. Processing Machine
Different components of computer like RAM, CPU, ROM, PCI slots, and USB portsare connected on ___ part of computer
  1. Motherboard
  2. Hard disk
  3. Moniter
  4. None of these

Which of the following devices is circular storage device?

  1. Disk
  2. Memory Card
  3. Pen drives
  4. None of these

Which of the following is NOT an Input device ?

  1. Microphone
  2. Joystick
  3. Monitor
  4. Keyboard

Microprocessors was introduced in which generation of computer___?

  1. Second Generation
  2. Fourth Generation
  3. Third Generation
  4. Both (A) and (B)
Which of the following printer has drum?
  1. Inkjet
  2. Laser
  3. Thermal
  4. Dot Matrix

Also Read: Computer Basic MCQs and Practice Computer Quizzes for additional effective preparation.

All these important Computer Hardware MCQs are collected from various resources of papers for your computer part preparation in one paper exams.

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