Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

Assistant Director FIA 2019 Batch 1

FIA can do investigation with respect to offence punishable under the?

A) Import and Export Act 1950

B) Banking Companies Ordinance 1962

C) Both A & B

D) None of these

The Pakistan Special Police Establishment Ordinance 1948?

A) Has been repealed by FIA Act

B) Has not been repealed by FIA Act

 C) Cannot be repealed FIA Act

D) None of these

Rewards may be given for commendable services to?

A) Members of Agency only

B) Director General only

C) Members as well as public

D) None of these

The terms and conditions of service of the Director General FIA?

A) Can be provided in the Rules

B) Cannot be provided in the Rules

C) Can be partially provided in the Rules

D) None of these

Delegation of Powers has been provided in Section …… of FIA Act?

A) 7-A

B) 7-B

C) 7

D) None of these

The contravention of order under Section-5 of FIA Act is punishable with rigorous imprisonment of?

A) 1 year

B) 3 years

C) 4 years

D) None of these

A member of Agency may make an order for not transferring property under investigation?

A) Verbally

B) In writing

C) Both A & B

D) None of these

Police Station includes any place declared as Police Station?

A) Specially only

B) General as well as specially

C) Locally only

D) None of these

Arrest without warrant can be made by the?

A) Member of Agency

B) Police only

C) Director General only

D) None of these

The Superintendence of Agency can be done by?

A) District Judge


C) Federal Govt

D) None of these

Administration of Agency is provided under section?

A) 4

B) 8

C) 10

D) None of these

Superintendence of Agency has been given in Section?

A) 5

B) 4

C) 3

D) None of these

Indemnity provision of FIA Act is given in section?

A) 8

B) 8-A

C) 8-B

D) None of these

The Federal Government may amend the schedule of FIA Act?

A) Without notification in the Official Gazette

B) By notification in the Official Gazette

C) By verbal direction

D) None of these

Who can be deemed to be a public prosecutor?

A) Assistant Director Legal

B) Deputy Director Law

C) Both A & B

D) None of these

FIA Act means?

A) Federal Inquiry Agency Act

B) Federal Investigation Agency Act

C) Federal Inquisitive Agency Act

D) None of these

Digestion of food is complete in the?

A) Small intestine

B) Large intestine

C) Stomach

D) None of these

What are the primary colours?

A) White, Black, Blue

B) Red, Yellow, Blue

C) Red, Green, Blue

D) None of these

What is Dry Ice?

A) Solid Oxygen

B) Solid Carbon Dioxide

C) Solid Hydrogen

D) None of these

The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?

A) Oxygen

B) Carbon

C) Nitrogen

D) None of these

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