ANF ASI Past Paper 2021 MCQs

ANF ASI Past Paper 2021 MCQs for preparation.

How many Prophets mentioned in Holy Quran.

  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 28

Who was the first President of Pakistan?

  1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  2. Malik Ghulam Muhammad
  3. Sir Khawaja Nazimuddin
  4. Iskander Mirza

Among the following which pact with India was signed by Liaqat Ali Khan ?

  1. Peace and security Pact
  2. liaqat Ghandi Pact
  3. Friendship Pact
  4. Liaqat Nehru Pact

What is the old name of Attock?

  1. Campbellpur
  2. Shalkot
  3. NeroonKot
  4. None of these

Who is the head of the state of Pakistan?

  1. Prime Minister
  2. Chief Justice
  3. President
  4. Army Chief
  5. Attorney General

Where Choudhry Rahmat Ali was buried in?

  1. USA
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Karachi
  4. UK
  5. Australia

Who delivered the presidential address at Allahabad in 1930 ____?

  1. Liaqat Ali Khan
  2. Quaid-e-Azam
  3. Moulvi Fazal-ul-haq
  4. Allama Iqbal
  5. None of these

Famous Lake Saif-ul-Maluk is situated in

  1. kaghan
  2. Swat
  3. India
  4. Murree

Where Akhori Dam is located?

  1. Balochistan
  2. Punjab
  3. Sindh
  4. KPK
  5. All of these

Which mountain range is Nanga Parbat in ?

  1. Karakorum
  2. Hamalayas
  3. Kirthar
  4. Hindu Kush

Total number of seats in National Assembly of Pakistan are ____?

  1. 336
  2. 332
  3. 342
  4. 344

Who is the Head of the Cabinet?

  1. PM
  2. President
  3. Speaker National Assembly
  4. All of the above

The academy of ANF is situated in which city?

  1. Islamabad
  2. LAhore
  3. Karachi
  4. Quetta
  5. None of the above

When was the Ministry of Narcotics Control (MNC) re-instated?

  1. August 2007
  2. August 2011
  3. August 2016
  4. August 2017

Constitution of ANF is under:

  1. CNC act 1907
  2. ANF act 1997
  3. ANF Act 1947
  4. None of these

How many Police Stations of ANF are opeational in Pakistan?

  1. 8
  2. 91
  3. 28
  4. 105
  5. 150

The headquarter of Asian Development Bank is located in?

  1. Manilia
  2. Tokyo
  3. Jakarta
  4. None

Objective resolution was passed on ?

  1. 12 march 1947
  2. 12 march 1948
  3. 12 march 1949
  4. 12 march 1956
  5. None of these

One who is incapable of being tired

  1. Opportunist
  2. Extempore
  3. Indefatigable
  4. Idle
  5. Fatigued

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) addressed Khutba-e- Jumaa for first time in __ Hijrah?

  1. 1st
  2. 2nd
  3. 3rd
  4. 4th

RCD was established on

  1. 21 July, 1964
  2. 21 May, 1964
  3. 21 August, 1964
  4. 21 June, 1964

Which surah is called Zeenat-e-Quran________?

  1. Surah Rehman
  2. Surah Kousar
  3. Surah Fateha
  4. Surah Baqarah
  5. None of these

From where did Allama Iqbal obtained his Degree in PHD?

  1. England
  2. Germany
  3. USA
  4. Australia
  5. China

Where is the Headquarter of ASEAN located?

  1. Jakarta
  2. Geneva
  3. Hague
  4. None

Who got the title of Saifullah?

  1. Hazrat umar
  2. Hazrat ali
  3. Khalid bin Waleed
  4. None

Where Hazrat Essa was born?

  1. Gaza Strip
  2. Tel Aviv
  3. Bait Ul Lehm
  4. Makkah
  5. None of these

Which sin will not be forgiven by Allah?

  1. Jealousy
  2. Shirk
  3. Telling lies
  4. Hypocrisy
  5. All of these

Which year is called the year of sorrow?

  1. 9th Nabvi
  2. 10th Nabvi
  3. 11th Nabvi
  4. 12th Nabvi

حضرت عیسی علیہ السلام کہاں پیدا ہوئے؟

  1. مدینہ
  2. مکہ
  3. لبنان
  4. بیت لحم
  5. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

The number of seats reserved for women in the National Assembly are:

  1. 40
  2. 50
  3. 60
  4. 70

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