ZTBL OG III Solved Past Paper 7 July 2024 MCQs conducted by Open Testing Services (OTS).
ZTBL OG III Solved Past Paper 7 July 2024 MCQs
When was World War first started?
- 1915
- 1914
- 1918
- None of These
Percentage of oxygen in air:
- 30%
- 78%
- 10%
- 21%
Percentage of nitrogen in air:
- 40%
- 78%
- 10%
- 21%
When Afghanistan got independence: August 19, 1919
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- 1929
Bill Clinton visit to Pakistan in which year:
- 1998
- 2001
- 1995
- 2000
Explanation: March 25, 2000
How many major crops seasons are in Pakistan:
- 3
- 7
- 2
- 11
Explanation: There are two principal crop seasons in Pakistan, namely the “Kharif”, and the “Rabi”.
Barley grain contains more protein and ash than:
- Quinoa
- Kamut
- Maize
- None of these
Hygrometer is used to measure:
- Humidity
- Temperature
- Both
- None of these
Photometer is used to measure:
- Humidity
- Temperature
- Electromagnetic radiation
- None of these
Hazrat Muawiya shifted capital to which city:
- Makkah
- Cairo
- Kufa
- None of these
Pakistan became chairman of which organization in 1974
First Nobel prize was awarded in which year:
- 1801
- 1898
- 1910
- 1901
Which of the following is the prime number:
- 4
- 8
- 2
- None of these
If a farmer needs to water his crops every 3 days how many times does he need to water them in a month?
- 10 times
- 7 times
- 3 times
- 4 times
The formula for calculating Gross profit is:
- Net revenues – Cost of goods sold
- Total revenues – Cost of goods sold
- Both
- None pf these
If a tractor can plough 2 acres of land in 4 hours, how many acres can it plough in 8 hours ?
- 4 acre
- 2 acre
- 3 acre
- 14 acre
Which was the first Air Force of the world:
- USA Air Force
- Dutch Air Force
- Royal Air Force (RAF)
- None of these
What does the term “lithosphere” refer to?
- thinnest layer of earth
- Rigid Rocky layer of earth
- Both
- None of these
Narcotic crops mainly grown in Pakistan is ___?
- Tobacco
- cannabis
- coca bush
Global gene pool rice is maintained at__?
A. China
B. IRRI Philippines
C. Mexico
D. None of the above
The sense of rearing honey bees for honey is known as:
- Sericulture
- Apiculture
- Animal husbandry
- None of these
Which one is the main source of foreign exchange earnings:
- Exports
- Remittances
- Import
- None of these
Global gene bank of Potato is located at:
- Mumbai
- Tokyo
- Cairo
- Lima
Explanation: The gene bank at the International Potato Center (CIP) in Lima, Peru maintains clonal and seed collections of potato and sweet potato.
The largest Muslim country in the world by area:
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Kazakhstan
C. Pakistan
D. Indonesia
When comrade newspaper published in which year:
A. January 14 , 1911
B. January 15, 1911
C. January 16, 1911
D. None of these
When were the Babylon gardens built?
- 605 and 562 BC
- 705 and 701 BC
- Around 700 B.C
The length of great wall of china:
- 23,196 km
- 21,196 km
- 24,196 km
- None of these
What is the name of first Muslim astronaut?
- Sultan ibn Salman Al Saud
- Zaid ibn Salman
- Hamad ibn Salman Al Saud
- None of these
When Pakistan joined UNO:
- September 30, 1948
- September 18, 1947
- August 30, 1947
- September 30, 1947
Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime minister of Pakistan in:
A. 1988
B. 1990
C. 1997
D. None of these
When was Pakistan steel mill established: December 30, 197
- December 30, 1973
- December 30, 1970
- May 11, 1970
- None of these
The Prophet invented soap:
A. Prophet Isa (A.S)
B. Prophet Ismail (A.S)
C. Prophet Saleh (A.S)
D. Prophet Idress (A.S
Hazrat Sarah (A.S) was the sister of which prophet___?
A. Hazrat Loot A.S
B. Hazrat Saleh A.S
C. Hazrat Yousaf A.S
D. Hazrat Shoaib A.S