Tehsildar GK Paper 2021 (2nd Time) MCQs

Tehsildar GK Paper 2021 (2nd Time) MCQs for preparation.

“____” means any person who holds land in the Attock and Rawalpindi District and who, on the date of the commencement of the Punjab Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1952, was recorded in the revenue records as muqarraridar in respect of such land or who, after the said date, was so recorded with his consent and the consent of the proprietor of such land and includes the successors-in-interest of a muqarraridar.

  1. Muqarraridar
  2. Lambardar
  3. Patwari
  4. None of these

“____” means with reference to a tenancy, any work which is suitable to the tenancy and consistent with the conditions on which it is held, by which the value of the tenancy has been and continues to be increased, and which, if not executed on the tenancy, is either executed directly for its benefit, or is, after execution made directly beneficial to it;

  1. Rehabilitation
  2. Superstructure
  3. Improvement
  4. None of these

“___” means a notification published by authority of the Provincial Government] or the Board of Revenue in the Official Gazette:

  1. Notification
  2. Order
  3. Decree
  4. None of these

“____” means the year commencing on the sixteenth day of June, or on such other date as the Provincial Government may, by notification appoint for any local area:

  1. agricultural month
  2. agricultural decade
  3. agricultural year
  4. None of these

“____” means any legal practitioner within the meaning of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1879, except a mukhtar:

  1. legal practitioner
  2. Advisor
  3. Patwari
  4. None of rhese

“______ ” includes any person, other than a village servant, to whom the land revenue of any land has been assigned in whole or in part

  1. Jagirdar
  2. Landlord
  3. Tenant
  4. None of these

“___” or “Revenue Court”, in any provision of this Act, means a Revenue Officer or Revenue Court having authority under this Act to discharge the functions of a Revenue Officer or Revenue Court, as the case may be, under that provision:

  1. District Officer
  2. Revenue Officer
  3. Patwari
  4. Lambardar

___ means a chief headman, headman or Patwari:

  1. Village Officer
  2. Kanongo
  3. Khasadar
  4. None of these

“___” means any cess, contribution or due which is customarily leviable, from land-owners and non-land-owners alike, within an estate for the common purposes of the inhabitants thereof, and is neither a payment for the use of any private property or for personal service, nor imposed by or under any enactment for the time being in force, and does not mean any cess, contribution or due leviable, for the benefit of any individual residents or class of residents in the estate, or in relation to any property which is not meant for the common use of all the residents:

  1. Village cess
  2. City cess
  3. District cess
  4. None of these

“____ ” means rates and cesses which are primarily payable by land-owners, and includes–

  1. rates
  2. rates and cesses
  3. Rents
  4. Net Assets

“____” means land revenue assessed under any law for the time being in force or assessable under the Punjab Land Revenue Act,

  1. Land revenue
  2. Net assest
  3. Holding
  4. None of these

“______ ”, “land-owner” and “holding” have the meanings respectively assigned to those words in the Punjab Land Revenue Act,

  1. Estate
  2. Holding
  3. Land
  4. None of these

“___ ” means a parcel of land held by a tenant of a land-lord under one lease or one set of conditions:

  1. tenancy
  2. Holding
  3. Tenant
  4. None of these

“_____” and “land-lord” include the predecessors and successors-in-interest of a tenant and land-lord, respectively:

  1. Peasant
  2. tenant
  3. Village officer
  4. None of these

“___ ” means a person under whom a tenant holds land, and to whom the tenant is or but for a special contract would be, liable to pay rent for that land:

  1. land-lord
  2. Land holder
  3. Lambardar
  4. None of these

___ means rent which remains unpaid after the date on which it becomes payable :

  1. Cess
  2. Pay
  3. Arrears of rent
  4. Rent

The ___ means whatever is payable to a landlord in money, kind or service by tenant on account of the use or occupation of land held by him ; but it shall not include any cess village cess or other contribution or due or any free free personal service :

  1. Rent
  2. Pay
  3. Revenue
  4. Land

The ___ with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions includes, when used with reference to rent “deliver” and “render” with their grammatical variations and cognate expressions :

  1. rent
  2. pay
  3. Arrears
  4. None of these

The ___ means land which is not occupied as the site of any building, in a town or village and is occupied or has been let for agricultural purposes or for purposes subservient to agriculture, or for pasture and includes the site of building and other structures on such land :

  1. land
  2. River
  3. Forest
  4. Sea

When the Punjab Tenancy Act enforced

  1. 3rd September 18875
  2. 3rd September 18876
  3. 3rd September 1887
  4. 3rd September 1889

Under which section revenue officer have special power in case of urgency ?

  1. Section 17
  2. Section 16
  3. section 12
  4. Section 11

After how many days the collector may take possession of land ?

  1. 15 days
  2. 10 days
  3. 7 days
  4. 30 days

The income from the land after deducting ordinary expenses of cultivation, land revenue rates is called _______ .

  1. net income
  2. Gross income
  3. net expenses
  4. None of these

Transfer of land to board is mentioned in which section

  1. 16 A
  2. 17
  3. 15
  4. 14

The main objective of preliminary notification is to call for ___

  1. objection
  2. Transfer
  3. price
  4. None of these

The notification has to be essentially published in ______ .

  1. Official gazette
  2. Two national newspaper
  3. Both
  4. None of these

The process of issuance of preliminary notification is envisaged under section

  1. 4 (2)
  2. 5 (1)
  3. 4 (1)
  4. None of these

Issuance of notice to persons interested :

  1. Section 9
  2. Section 8
  3. Section 5
  4. Section 7

Under section 8 land to be marked out ______ .

  1. measured
  2. Planned
  3. Both
  4. None of these

After declaration collector to take order of acquisition?

  1. Section 6
  2. Section 7
  3. Section 3
  4. Section 9

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