SST past papers of FPSC MCQs with Answers for FPSC Secondary School Teachers test preparation online.
SST Past Papers of FPSC 2018 MCQs
Which are the characteristics of a good measuring technique:
A) Objectivity
B) Reliability
C) Usability
D) None of these
National Education Policy 1970 was headed by:
A) Fazal ur Rehman
B) S.M. Sharif
C) Noor Khan
D) Abdul Hafeez Pirzada
Which is the technique of investigation involving face to face conversion:
A) Questionnaire
B) Interview
C) Objectives
D) None of these
____ type of educational research does not make accurate predictions:
A) Associational
B) Descriptive
C) Intervention
D) None of these
The case study is the study of a:
A) Single group
B) Single individual
C) Single community of family
D) None of these
A set of questions asked and filled in by the interviewer in a face-to-face situation with another person is called:
A) A schedule
B) A checklist
C) A questionnaire
D) None of these
What type of statistical data are used in educational research:
A) Descriptive statistical analysis
B) Inferential statistical analysis
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
What is the meaning of Null Hypothesis:
A) Difference between two parametric is zero
B) The difference is due to error in sampling
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of:
A) Fazal ur Rehman
B) Liaqat Ali Khan
C) S.M. Sharif
D) None of these
…… is responsible for the accreditation of teachers’ education in Pakistan:
D) None of these
Two boys are ….. in looks, but not in personality:
A) like
B) Same
C) Alike
D) None of these
She lives …… Albert street:
A) in
B) at
C) on
D) None of these
We need a computer …… a huge memory:
A) Having
B) With
C) Of
D) None of these
As soon as I saw her, I knew that I had met her:
A) Ago
B) Earlier
C) Before
D) None of these
Amir is …… like a father to me:
A) Nearly
B) Almost
C) All most
D) None of these
I like to be …… for short periods:
A) Lone
B) Lonely
C) Alone
D) None of these
I was wondering if you ……. be interested in a game of tennis:
A) Might
B) Could
C) Would
D) None of these
I wish today …… Sunday:
A) Could be
B) was
C) would be
D) None of these
I waited for her …… six o’clock, but she did not come:
A) Till
B) Until
C) to
D) None of these
She …… be here tomorrow:
A) Mays
B) Might
C) May
D) None of these
All ….. you say is certainly true:
A) Which
B) That
C) What
D) None of these
Barnard developed a new …… in heart surgery:
A) Technology
B) Technique
C) Method
D) None of these
I …… be rich one day:
A) will
B) Shall
C) May
D) None of these
I have known her …… three days:
A) From
B) Since
C) For
D) None of these
I can …… somebody is coming:
A) Listen
B) Hear
C) Heard
D) None of these
The repairs are …… to cost more than you think:
A) Sure
B) Certain
C) Expected
D) None of these
He is enjoying his …… job:
A) Latest
B) Last
C) Previous
D) None of these
….. handwriting cannot be easily read:
A) Legible
B) Lucid
C) Illegible
D) None of these
A white elephant means something:
A) Very beautiful
B) Useless and costly
C) Looks ugly
D) None of these
Normally an individual thunderstorm …… about 45 minutes:
A) Ends
B) Lasts
C) Remains
D) None of these
Article 25-A of the constitution obligates states to provide free and compulsory education up to class:
A) 3
B) 5
C) 8
D) None of these
……. theory of personality puts emphasis on studying the whole human being:
A) Trait
B) Behaviorism
C) Humanistic
D) None of thes
Who said that “learning includes both acquisition and retention”:
A) Guilford (1967)
B) Skinner (1969)
C) Gates (1968)
D) None of these
Going from specific to general is called ……. thinking:
A) Deductive
B) Inductive
C) Indirect
D) None of these
The term “Philosophy” means:
A) Love of Wisdom
B) Love of Manner
C) Fear of Wisdom
D) None of these
……. is the ability to use knowledge:
A) Learning
B) Intelligence
C) Flexibility
D) None of these
The major objective of the Aligarh movement was to promote:
A) Education
B) Hatred from Hindues
C) Scientific look
D) None of these
First Education Conference 1947 was held in:
A) Peshawar
B) Lahore
C) Quetta
D) Karachi
Education administration is primarily a …… enterprise:
A) Psychological
B) Basic
C) Social
D) None of these
…… is the basic function of administration:
A) Recruitment
B) Supervision
C) Planning
D) None of these
Role personality theory was given by:
A) Getzels and Guba
B) Stogdill
C) F.W Taylor
D) None of these
…… function of administration involves delegation of responsibility to employees:
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Budgeting
D) None of these
Step two in clinical supervision is:
A) Analysis
B) Observation
C) Supervisory conference
D) None of these
Hawthorne studies were conducted between:
A) 1927-1932
B) 1985-1987
C) 1970-1980
D) None of these
…… is a regulatory process directing the activities of an organization goals to achieve specific goals:
A) Controlling
B) Staffing
C) Planning
D) None of these
Education supervision means:
A) Assistance in development of teaching learning process
B) That disciplines through which we control affairs of others
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
Top management works on:
A) Strategic plan
B) Corporate plan
C) Budgeting
D) None of these
A strategic plan is also called:
A) Long term plan
B) Short term plan
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
First step in the planning process is to:
A) Set an objective
B) Evaluation alternatives
C) Determine strength and weakness
D) None of these
Short term plans in education are generally of …… years:
A) One to three
B) Three to five
C) Five to ten
D) None of these
Who said this “Educational planning, in its broadest generic sense, is the application of rational, systematic analysis to the process of educational development”
A) Zeigler
B) Adam Curt
C) P.H Coombs
D) None of these
Planning aims at creating an adequate …… situation:
A) Past
B) Present
C) Future
D) None of these
Systematic change in the mental processes that underlie all learning and performance is referred to as:
A) Moral development
B) Cognitive development
C) Social emotional development
D) None of these
Curriculum is:
A) Course
B) Syllabus
C) Co-curricular activities
D) All the learning experience
The thinking process involved in producing an idea or concept that is new, original and useful, is called as:
A) Creativity
B) Innovation
C) Intelligence
D) None of these
Moods are found during:
A) Infancy
B) Adolescence
C) Adulthood
D) None of these
Which is the Master Emotion:
A) Happiness
B) Shame
C) Fear
D) None of these
A …… is the organized pattern of behavior which the child develops when he is engaged in any activity:
A) Scheme
B) Adaptation
C) Accommodation
D) None of these
Trial and error theory of learning was presented by:
A) Toiman
B) Thorndike
C) B.F. Skinner
D) None of these
Jung (1933) classified the unconscious into two types: Primary or racial unconscious and …… unconscious:
A) Secondary
B) Personal
C) Opposite
D) None of these
Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by:
A) Design
B) Evaluation
C) Curriculum design
D) None of these
Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is:
A) Horizontal
B) Vertical
C) Logical
D) None of these
Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by:
A) Hilda Taba
B) H. Rugg
C) Jhon Ross
D) None of these
Intelligence level of gifted students is:
A) 90 and above
B) 110 and above
C) 140 and above
D) None of these
When two or more methods are mixed up for teaching, the teaching method will be known as:
A) Mixed method
B) Combined method
C) Electric method
D) None of these
Summative evaluation takes place:
A) In the beginning
B) In the middle
C) After regular interval
D) None of these
During demonstration, the topic should be presented in:
A) Suspending style
B) Problematic style
C) Debatable style
D) None of these
“In discovery methods of teaching, the students are generally forced to work as scientists.” This statement is propounded by:
A) Theodore Bit
B) John Dewey
C) Armstrong
D) None of these
The way knowledge is created in the mind of learner is called:
A) Realism
B) Behaviorism
C) Constructivism
D) None of these
The central principles of Heuristic method is:
A) Learning by doing
B) Learning from past
C) Learning through others
D) None of these
Rote learning is a demerit of:
A) Subject centered learning
B) Learner centered learning
C) Activity centered learning
D) None of these
The most important component of lesson plan is:
A) Curriculum evaluation
B) Objectives
C) I.Q
D) None of these
Classroom management creates a set of …… used in an organized classroom environment:
A) Expectations
B) Past learning
C) Sequence
D) None of these
Classroom management revolves around teachers’ and students’ …… and actions that influence students’ behaviours in the classroom:
A) Attitudes
B) Aptitude
C) Creativity
D) None of these
Teachers with no structured classroom …… skills contributed to negative outcomes:
A) Weak
B) Reprimand
C) Warning
D) None of these
…… is defined as the practice of teaching others to obey rules or norms by using punishment to correct unwanted behaviors:
A) Discipline
B) Learning
C) Procedure
D) None of these
…… management is defined as those events and procedures involved in the decision to initiate a specific activity for an individual student:
A) Classroom
B) Instructional
C) School
D) None of these
Rules create clear …… for the children and need to define what an acceptable behaviour is:
A) Vision
B) Picture
C) Expectations
D) None of these
…… help to minimize behaviour challenges in the classroom are key in a well-managed and organized classroom:
A) Teachers
B) Learners
C) Routines
D) None of these
To be effective, …… need to be something to which the children aspire to and want:
A) Rewards
B) Rules
C) Instructions
D) None of these
____ provides a systematic process for categorizing and quantifying attributes and characteristics of the thing that we observe, experience and report:
A) Evaluation
B) Measurement
C) Validity
D) None of these
The relationship between and among the values in a set is referred to as:
A) Level of measurement
B) Objectives of measurement
C) Outcomes of measurement
D) None of these
At the …… level of measurement, values can be placed into categories that are rank, ordered or rated along a continuous, such as from high to low:
A) Interval
B) Ordinal
C) Ratio
D) None of these
……. describes the events to which we measure what we purpose to measure:
A) Reliability
B) Validity
C) Adaptability
D) None of these
……. validity involves making a comparison between a measure and an external standard:
A) Content
B) Construct
C) Face
D) None of these
….. reliability involves administering two equivalent forms of questionnaire in the same group on two separate occasions:
A) Intrarater
B) Test related
C) Internal consistency
D) None of these
……. Validity is the extent to which a tool appears to measure what it is supposed to measure:
A) Construct
B) Face
C) Internal
D) None of these
Which are the characteristics of a good measuring technique:
A) Objectivity
B) Reliability
C) Usability
D) None of these
National Education Policy 1970 was headed by:
A) Fazal ur Rehman
B) S.M. Sharif
C) Noor Khan
D) Abdul Hafeez Pirzada
Which is the technique of investigation involving face to face conversion:
A) Questionnaire
B) Interview
C) Objectives
D) None of these
……. type of educational research does not make accurate predictions:
A) Associational
B) Descriptive
C) Intervention
D) None of these
The case study is the study of a:
A) Single group
B) Single individual
C) Single community of family
D) None of these
A set of questions asked and filled in by the interviewer in a face-to-face situation with another person is called:
A) A schedule
B) A checklist
C) A questionnaire
D) None of these
What type of statistical data are used in educational research:
A) Descriptive statistical analysis
B) Inferential statistical analysis
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
What is the meaning of Null Hypothesis:
A) Difference between two parametric is zero
B) The difference is due to error in sampling
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of:
A) Fazal ur Rehman
B) Liaqat Ali Khan
C) S.M. Sharif
D) None of these
…… is responsible for the accreditation of teachers’ education in Pakistan:
D) None of these
IMPORTANT: Read all FPSC SST Past Papers and Pedagogy MCQs online.