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- Biggest ocean in the word is Pacific.
- Second Largest ocean in the word is Atlantic.
- Third Largest ocean in the word is Indian Ocean.
- Fourth largest Ocean in the world is Southern Ocean.
- Smallest ocean in the world is Arctic Ocean.
- Deepest Part of the ocean is Mariana Trench.
- The warmest Ocean in the world is Indian Ocean.
- The hottest ocean area is Persian Gulf.
Seas of the World
- Largest sea in the word is South China Sea (In Area).
- Second Largest sea in the world is Caribbean Sea.
- The Deepest Sea in the world is Caribbean Sea
- Third Largest sea in the word is Mediterranean sea.
- Fourth largest sea is Behring Sea.
- 5th largest sea is Gulf of Mexico.
- Sixth World largest sea is Sea of Japan.
- 7th is Hudson Bay, then East China Sea, Andaman Sea, Black sea, and Red sea.
- Smallest sea of the world is Baltic sea.
Unique Point of Seas and Oceans
- Caspian Sea is the largest salt water lake in the world.
- Sea of Japan is famous for fishing area.
- Sargasso Sea is without a coastline.
- Bermuda Triangle is located in Atlantic Ocean.
- Diego Garcia is an island located in Indian Ocean.
- The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is Sunda Trench.
- Black Sea is sometimes called as the Euxine Sea.
- Baltic sea sea is located in the north of Poland-
- Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Aral Sea is in Central Asia (Kazakhstan).
- Aral is an inland sea.
- Aegean Sea is located in Atlantic Ocean.
- Atlantic Ocean sometime called the Herring Pond
- Permanent winds cause ocean currents.
- Nether land’s land is below sea level.