Punjab Assembly Proof Reader & Care Taker Paper 01-08-2021 MCQs

Punjab Assembly Proof Reader & Care Taker Paper 01-08-2021 MCQs

Majority of people in Pakistan are?

  1. Sikh
  2. Muslims
  3. Hindu
  4. Christian

UNO was formed in?

  1. 10 October 1945
  2. 14 October 1945
  3. 24 October 1945
  4. 28 October 1945

Mohenjo Daro means _____________?

  1. Civilized City
  2. Beautiful Gardens
  3. Beautiful City
  4. Mound of the Dead

Which mountain range separates Pakistan and Afghanistan?

  1. Pamirs Range
  2. Karakoram range
  3. Kirthar Range
  4. Hindu Kush Range
  5. None of these

To insert a hyperlink which short key is used____?

  1. Ctrl+S
  2. Ctrl+M
  3. Ctrl+K
  4. None of the above

What is the length of Khaber pass

  1. 66 km
  2. 53 km
  3. 77 km
  4. None

President and Prime Minister must be Muslim in which constitution of Pakistan?

  1. 1956
  2. 1962
  3. 1973
  4. none

How many ways to save file in MS Office?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 1

What is the default file extension for all Word documents?

  1. .txts
  2. .word
  3. .docs
  4. .docx
  5. Dox

Instrument used for measuring the purity of milk is called what?

  1. Lucimeter
  2. Lactometer
  3. Barometer
  4. Hydrometer

Which pass connects Gilgit-baltistan with China ____?

  1. Bolan Pass
  2. Khojak Pass
  3. Dorah Pass
  4. Khunjerab Pass

Which desert is called Friendly Desert ?

  1. Sahara
  2. Thar
  3. Cholistan
  4. Thal

How many deserts are in Punjab Province?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

The name of the fifth Kalimah is?

  1. Kalimah Shahdat
  2. Kalimah Istighfar
  3. Kalimah Tamjeed
  4. Kalimah Tauheed
  5. None of these

Boat of Noah stop in which country?

  1. Turkey
  2. Jordan
  3. India
  4. Nepal

Who wrote the book “Kitab al Kharaj”?

  1. Abu Yusuf
  2. Imam Shafi
  3. Imam Abu Hanifa
  4. Muhammad Al Shaybani
  5. None of these

____ To change line height to 1.5 which is the following correct command?

  1. Ctrl +5
  2. Ctrl +2
  3. Ctrl+4
  4. None

What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character in Ms Word?

  1. 1638
  2. 1636
  3. 1645
  4. 1600

Which Prophet’s nation was destroyed by a rain of clay stones?

  1. Hazrat Noah A.S
  2. Hazrat Adam A.S
  3. Hazrat Lut A.S
  4. Hazrat Yaqoob A.S

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