Public Administration MCQs covering essential topics to boost your exam readiness for competitive tests and academic assessments.
Public Administration MCQs
The first work on the study of public administration is attributed to: Woodrow Wilson
Public Administration may be defined as: Administration of Public
The concept of “separation between politics and public administration” was first propounded by: Woodrow Wilson
The concept of “bounded rationality” was given by: Herbert Simon
In which year civil services started in India: 1861
Which country started civil service competition first: China
Which of the following is one of the features of bureaucracy conceived by Max Weber: Hierarchy
Indian Civil Service was introduced during the Governor General-ship of: Lord Cornwallis
Who was the first Indian to be directly recruited to the Indian Civil Service: Satyendra Nath Tagore
McGregor’s name is most commonly associated with one of the following: Theory X and Theory Y
‘Legal-rational authority’ is a core concept of: Theory of Bureaucracy
The ‘spoils system’ in the USA began during the period of: Jackson
“Entropy” is a law of nature in which all forms of organizations move towards: Disorganization and Death
One choice theory is economic explanation of: Psychology
System Theory is associated with the work of following: Talcott Parsons
Which one of the following is the foundation of modern Human Resource: Specialization
Who is described as the father of Public Administration: Woodrow Wilson
Who is famous as the mother of modern management: Lillian Gilbreth
Who is claimed to be the real father of modern management: Henri Fayol
An organization which successfully achieve the goals will be considered as: Effective
An organization using its resources wisely and in a cost effectively way is considered: Efficient
Grouping activities and resources in an organization is a function of: Organizing
The dominant role in developing Scientific Management was played by: B. F. W. Taylor
The most articulate spokesperson of Administrative Management was: Henri Fayol
Hawthrone studies were mainly conducted by: Elton Mayo
The owners, Employees, Board or Directors and Culture will form the organization’s: External Environment
The appropriate managerial behavior in a given situation depends on a wide variety of elements is: Contingency Approach
The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was: A. F.W. Taylor
The father of Human Relations theory was: Elton Mayo
What is the personnel department in an organization concerned with: Staff administration
Systems theory of management is based on the concept of components having: Interdependence
What is OD: Organizational development
The first book on Public Administration was written by: L. D. White
Public Administration is the study of: Public Policy implementation
Planning machinery in Pakistan is: Centralized
Financially the performance of public corporations in Pakistan during the last decade has been: Poor
Communication runs faster in: Centralized structure
Performance budgeting is based on: objectives of expenditure
The concept of Politics-Administration dichotomy was given by: Frank Johnson Goodnow
Which of the following reports deals with the relations between the specialists and generalists: Fulton Committee Report
The President of U. S. who laid the foundation of the study of public administration was: President Wilson
Formal relationship in an organization is based on: Rules and Regulations
Who was the Father of Human Relations theory: Elton Mayo
The Founding father of theory of Bureaucracy was: Max Weber
Bureaucracy of Pakistan is: Elitist
Pressure groups in Public Administration work for: Sectoral Interest
Behaviorism is associated with: Socialism
Which of the following is not of the core values of Public Administration: Equity
Public Personnel Management in Pakistan is based on the principle of: Merit
The form of Leadership in the bureaucracy of Pakistan is: Aristocratic
The President of US who laid the foundation of the study of Public Administration: President Wilson
The ideal Model of bureaucracy is based on authority of: Legal Rational
The author of “The Function of the Executive” is: Chester Bernard
Bureaucracy is a form of: Social Organization
Legal-Rational Authority is core concept of: Theory of Bureaucracy
The process of transmitting the idea or thought into meaningful symbol is called: Encoding
Which of the following will not be considered as a formal organization: A Group of Friends
Which of the following violates the principle of Utility of Command: Functional Organization
Which of the following is not a feature of good governance: Nepotism
A goal set by and for top management of the organization is: Strategic Goal
Balancing and reconciling possible conflicts among goals is: Optimizing
Behaviour that does not conform to generally social norms will be considered as: Unethical Behaviour
Conceptual and Diagnostic skills in an organization are mostly used by: Top Managers
A theory suggesting that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs was advanced by: Abraham Maslow
The extent to which an organization complies with local, state and Federal Law is: Legal Compliance
The process by which a manager assigns some of his total work load to others is: Delegation
Power that has been legitimized by the state is: Legitimate Authority
A condition in which the availability of each alternative and its potential pay off and costs are all associated with probability estimate is: State of Risk
How the role of public administration is determined by the people or Government? Can it be a: Modern democracy can perform this job well
Humane Relations is the study of the people in action that is: The people work in a team spirit or not
A relatively permanent change in behaviour that happens as a result of experience is known as: Experiential learning
Management improvement is possibly by systematic theory if: Investigator helps the decision-maker in solving problem
The bureaucracy has certain characteristics that are: It has a specialized structure of the nation
Bureaucracy is seen as corruptible or otherwise: Bureaucracy is essential and necessary evil
Administrative leadership’s character inspires confidence when it uses: Bases adequately built up
Administrative accountability must be accompanied by: If Ombudsman is independent and non-partisan
Judicial control can achieve administrative accountability successfully if: Rule of law is strictly followed
The process of continuous learning from the full variety of one’s actual work and life experience is known as: Life-long learning
Planning and its technique is common to all human activity such as: Coordination is must in viable planning
How can effective planning be made meaningful: Its objective must be clearly defined
Public corporation is the innovation of 20th century. The basic features are: It is the result of Government’s entry into business
Mechanistic theory is formal structure of organization. Its functions are: Drawing up plan for large-scale enterprises
Communication is a crucial element in administration and felt by: As the heart of management
Co-ordination is the removal of conflicts from the organization by: Securing co-operation and team work
Span of Control 1 Means: Number of subordinates under a superior’s direct control
Public corporations have been created with the objective of: Operational flexibility and autonomy
Écol National d’ Administration of France acts as: A recruiting-cum-training agency.
Fiscal deficit in government budget can be reduced by: Rationalizing expenditure for economy
Motivation is the function of intrinsic factors such as appreciation, recognition etc. who gave this theory: Fredrick Hcrzberg
Organizational behaviour is: The study of individuals and groups in organizations.
A budget is essentially a statement of: Estimated revenue and expenditure over a period of time
In the Constitution of Pakistan, the subjects for legislation have been divided into: Three Lists
The study of individuals and groups in organizations is known as: Organizational Behaviour
IMPORTANT: Practice General Knowledge Quiz and read General Knowledge MCQs for an effective test preparation.
Note: All of these Public Administration questions are sourced from past papers.