Public Administration MCQs

Public Administration MCQs covering essential topics to boost your exam readiness for competitive tests and academic assessments.

Public Administration MCQs

​The first work on the study of public administration is attributed to: Woodrow Wilson

Public Administration may be defined as: Administration of Public

The concept of “separation between politics and public administration” was first propounded by: Woodrow Wilson

The concept of “bounded rationality” was given by: Herbert Simon

In which year civil services started in India: 1861

Which country started civil service competition first: China

Which of the following is one of the features of bureaucracy conceived by Max Weber: Hierarchy

Indian Civil Service was introduced during the Governor General-ship of: Lord Cornwallis

Who was the first Indian to be directly recruited to the Indian Civil Service: Satyendra Nath Tagore

McGregor’s name is most commonly associated with one of the following: Theory X and Theory Y

‘Legal-rational authority’ is a core concept of: Theory of Bureaucracy

The ‘spoils system’ in the USA began during the period of: Jackson

“Entropy” is a law of nature in which all forms of organizations move towards: Disorganization and Death

One choice theory is economic explanation of: Psychology

System Theory is associated with the work of following: Talcott Parsons

Which one of the following is the foundation of modern Human Resource: Specialization

Who is described as the father of Public Administration: Woodrow Wilson

Who is famous as the mother of modern management: Lillian Gilbreth

Who is claimed to be the real father of modern management: Henri Fayol

An organization which successfully achieve the goals will be considered as: Effective

An organization using its resources wisely and in a cost effectively way is considered: Efficient

Grouping activities and resources in an organization is a function of: Organizing

The dominant role in developing Scientific Management was played by: B. F. W. Taylor

The most articulate spokesperson of Administrative Management was: Henri Fayol

Hawthrone studies were mainly conducted by: Elton Mayo

The owners, Employees, Board or Directors and Culture will form the organization’s: External Environment

The appropriate managerial behavior in a given situation depends on a wide variety of elements is: Contingency Approach

The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was: A. F.W. Taylor

The father of Human Relations theory was: Elton Mayo

What is the personnel department in an organization concerned with: Staff administration

Systems theory of management is based on the concept of components having: Interdependence

What is OD: Organizational development

The first book on Public Administration was written by: L. D. White

Public Administration is the study of: Public Policy implementation

Planning machinery in Pakistan is: Centralized

Financially the performance of public corporations in Pakistan during the last decade has been: Poor

Communication runs faster in: Centralized structure

Performance budgeting is based on: objectives of expenditure

The concept of Politics-Administration dichotomy was given by: Frank Johnson Goodnow

Which of the following reports deals with the relations between the specialists and generalists: Fulton Committee Report

The President of U. S. who laid the foundation of the study of public administration was: President Wilson

Formal relationship in an organization is based on: Rules and Regulations

Who was the Father of Human Relations theory: Elton Mayo

The Founding father of theory of Bureaucracy was: Max Weber

Bureaucracy of Pakistan is: Elitist

Pressure groups in Public Administration work for: Sectoral Interest

Behaviorism is associated with: Socialism

Which of the following is not of the core values of Public Administration: Equity

Public Personnel Management in Pakistan is based on the principle of: Merit

The form of Leadership in the bureaucracy of Pakistan is: Aristocratic

The President of US who laid the foundation of the study of Public Administration: President Wilson

The ideal Model of bureaucracy is based on authority of: Legal Rational

The author of “The Function of the Executive” is: Chester Bernard

Bureaucracy is a form of: Social Organization

Legal-Rational Authority is core concept of: Theory of Bureaucracy

The process of transmitting the idea or thought into meaningful symbol is called: Encoding

Which of the following will not be considered as a formal organization: A Group of Friends

Which of the following violates the principle of Utility of Command: Functional Organization

Which of the following is not a feature of good governance: Nepotism

A goal set by and for top management of the organization is: Strategic Goal

Balancing and reconciling possible conflicts among goals is: Optimizing

Behaviour that does not conform to generally social norms will be considered as: Unethical Behaviour

Conceptual and Diagnostic skills in an organization are mostly used by: Top Managers

A theory suggesting that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs was advanced by: Abraham Maslow

The extent to which an organization complies with local, state and Federal Law is: Legal Compliance

The process by which a manager assigns some of his total work load to others is: Delegation

Power that has been legitimized by the state is: Legitimate Authority 

A condition in which the availability of each alternative and its potential pay off and costs are all associated with probability estimate is: State of Risk

How the role of public administration is determined by the people or Government? Can it be a: Modern democracy can perform this job well

Humane Relations is the study of the people in action that is: The people work in a team spirit or not

A relatively permanent change in behaviour that happens as a result of experience is known as: Experiential learning

Management improvement is possibly by systematic theory if: Investigator helps the decision-maker in solving problem

The bureaucracy has certain characteristics that are: It has a specialized structure of the nation

Bureaucracy is seen as corruptible or otherwise: Bureaucracy is essential and necessary evil

Administrative leadership’s character inspires confidence when it uses: Bases adequately built up

Administrative accountability must be accompanied by: If Ombudsman is independent and non-partisan

Judicial control can achieve administrative accountability successfully if: Rule of law is strictly followed

The process of continuous learning from the full variety of one’s actual work and life experience is known as: Life-long learning

Planning and its technique is common to all human activity such as: Coordination is must in viable planning

How can effective planning be made meaningful: Its objective must be clearly defined

Public corporation is the innovation of 20th century. The basic features are: It is the result of Government’s entry into business

Mechanistic theory is formal structure of organization. Its functions are: Drawing up plan for large-scale enterprises

Communication is a crucial element in administration and felt by: As the heart of management

Co-ordination is the removal of conflicts from the organization by: Securing co-operation and team work

Span of Control 1 Means: Number of subordinates under a superior’s direct control

Public corporations have been created with the objective of: Operational flexibility and autonomy

Écol National d’ Administration of France acts as: A recruiting-cum-training agency.

Fiscal deficit in government budget can be reduced by: Rationalizing expenditure for economy

Motivation is the function of intrinsic factors such as appreciation, recognition etc. who gave this theory: Fredrick Hcrzberg

Organizational behaviour is: The study of individuals and groups in organizations.

A budget is essentially a statement of: Estimated revenue and expenditure over a period of time

In the Constitution of Pakistan, the subjects for legislation have been divided into: Three Lists

The study of individuals and groups in organizations is known as: Organizational Behaviour

IMPORTANT: Practice General Knowledge Quiz and read General Knowledge MCQs for an effective test preparation.

Note: All of these Public Administration questions are sourced from past papers.

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