PTS DERT Rescuers DR Past Papers 2020 MCQs

PTS DERT Rescuers DR Past Papers 2020 MCQs for preparation.

The Mughal Emperor who promulgated a new faith entitled “Din-E-Elahi” in 1581 AD was …….

  1. Jahangir
  2. Akbar
  3. Humayun
  4. Babar

Masjid Mahabat Khan is located in _______ ?

  1. Kohat
  2. Mardan
  3. Peshawar
  4. Hangu
  5. None of these

When Quaid-e-Azam died?

  1. 10 September, 1948.
  2. 11 September, 1948
  3. 12 September, 1948
  4. 13 September, 1948.

At the time of Independence which community was in majority in the state of Kashmir?

  1. Hindu
  2. Muslim
  3. Christian
  4. Sikh
  5. None of these

Kitabul umm was written by

  1. Imam shafi
  2. Imam Hambal
  3. Imam Abu Hanifa
  4. None

Which Turkish leader abolished the Institution of Caliphate?

  1. Maulana Shibli Naumani
  2. Mustafa Kamal Attaturk
  3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  4. Sultan Abdul Majid

Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran?

  1. Shab-e-Qadar
  2. Shab-e-Miraj
  3. Shab-e-Bara’at
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

The capital of East Timor is :

  1. Timor Leste
  2. Dili
  3. Nixoscia
  4. Quito

Hanna lake is located in ___ :

  1. Karachi
  2. Dadu
  3. Quetta
  4. Peshawar

the literal meaning of zulnorain is—-?

  1. Having two Stars
  2. Having two Lights
  3. Having two Sides
  4. aving two Soldiers

Name the angels who are appointed to put Questions to the deeds in their graves__?

  1. Munkar and Nakeer
  2. Hazrat Jabreel
  3. Hazrat Mikeel
  4. None

How many fasts did Esa (A.S) keep in the desert and advised His followers to follow them?

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 40

The battle of Qudasiya was fought during the reign of ……

  1. Ali (R.A)
  2. Usman (R.A)
  3. Umar Farooq (R.A)
  4. Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)

Ada Bin Hatim Tai embraced Islam in which Hijri?

  1. 8th Hijri
  2. 9th Hijri
  3. 10th Hijri
  4. 11th Hijri

Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) founded the following mosque?

  1. Al-Aqsa
  2. Al-Kartaba
  3. Blue Mosque
  4. Masjid Hanifia

Hazrat Usman (R.A) was born in

  1. Madina
  2. Yemen
  3. Makkah
  4. Kufah
  5. Jeddah

Hazrat …..was martyred by Khalid Bin Waleed?

  1. Hassan Bin Sabit (R.A)
  2. Abdullah Bin Zubair (R.A)
  3. Saad Bin Muaz (R.A)
  4. None of these

Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrat E Madina?

  1. Usman (R.A)
  2. Utab Bin Usaid (R.A)
  3. Abdullah Bin Ariqat (R.A)
  4. Saeed Bin Ubada (R.A)

Which is the signature event of the 6th Hijri?

  1. Holy Prophet Performed Prayer
  2. Holy Prophet Performed Umrah
  3. Holy Prophet Performed Hajj
  4. Treaty of Sulah Hudaibiya

The relatives of Prophet (PBUH) in the first migration to Abyssinia were:

  1. Abbas (R.A)
  2. Abu Bakkar (R.A) and Ayesha (R.A)
  3. Ali (R.A) and Fatima (R.A)
  4. Usman (R.A) and Ruqayya (R.A)

Who was the leader of kufar in Ghazwa Uhad?

  1. Abu jhal
  2. Abu lhab
  3. Abu Sufyan
  4. All

The currency of Laos is:

  1. Lata
  2. Sum
  3. Kip
  4. Won

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) started to preach openly in ……Nabvi.

  1. 4th Nabvi
  2. 5th Nabvi
  3. 6th Nabvi
  4. 7th Nabvi

The height of Hazrat Adam (AS) was____?

  1. 70 Feet
  2. 80 Feet
  3. 90 Feet
  4. 100 Feet
  5. 120 Feet

For How many years did Halima Sadia look after the Prophet (PBUH)?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7

Name the Surah in Ahl-E-Kitab and Munafqeen are mentioned.

  1. Uncertain
  2. surah munafqun
  3. Makki
  4. Madni

River Irrawaddy flows in:

  1. Lesotho
  2. Jordan
  3. Brazil
  4. Myanmar

The force is placed between the load and the fulcrum is called …….

  1. Class One Lever
  2. Class Two Lever
  3. Class Three Lever
  4. None of these

The fulcrum is placed between the force and load and is called……….

  1. Class One Lever
  2. Class Two Lever
  3. Class Three Lever
  4. None of these

How many classes of Levers?

  1. 01
  2. 02
  3. 03
  4. 04

On Earth surface water covers…..area.

  1. 50%
  2. 60%
  3. 70%
  4. 80%

The penalty for Lin’an is :

  1. 80 Lashes
  2. 90 Lashes
  3. 100 Lashes
  4. 110 Lashes

The largest undersea railway tunnel is constructed between:

  1. USA & Canada
  2. England & USA
  3. Japan & South Korea
  4. France & England

Arianna is airline of

  1. China
  2. idia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Iran

Breton Wood Conference was concluded in:

  1. July 1944
  2. August 1944
  3. September 1944
  4. None of these

Formula of Density is:

  1. D=m/p
  2. D=m/v
  3. D=m/t
  4. D=m/a

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