The capital of Cuba is?
- Havana
- Dhaka
- Brasilia
- Tel Aviv
Pakistan and India main dispute?
- Rivers
- Kashmir dispute
- Border dispute
- None
Who was the second president of Indian National Congress?
- Womesh Chunder bonnerjee
- Dadabhai naroji
- Baddrudin Tayyabji
- None of these
In which city is Quaid -e- Azam’s tomb located?
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Islamabad
- Fasilabad
Politics and the state in Pakistan book written by
- Hassan Askari
- Khalid saed
- Muhammad Waseem
- None of these
Which river is called the Nile of Pakistan
- Indus
- Ravi
- Chenab
- None
Which is largest and important river of Pakistan.
- Indus
- Ravi
- Jehlum
- Chenab
which is the highest peak of Koh e Suleiman range
- Kirther
- Chaghi
- Makran
- Takhat e Sulaiman
- None of these
When was Fort William College established?
- 1875
- 1800
- 1798
- 1804
The length between Pakistan and Afghanistan border is:
- 430 KM
- 1430 KM
- 2430 KM
- 2611 KM
- All of these
When Magna Carta signed by king John of England?
- 1212
- 1215
- 1216
- 1218
The first Population Census was held in Pakistan in the year?
- 1951
- 1952
- 1954
- None of these
Warsak dam is constructed on which river?
- Kabul
- Jhlem
- Chenab
- Indus
What is the Total Height of K-2 Peak in meters ?
- 8410 meter
- 8210 meter
- 8511 meter
- 8611 meter
- None of these
Last viceroy of India after independence :
- Warren Hasting
- Lord Canning
- Lord Mountbatten
- Lord Curzon
- None of these
Which is the highest memory in computer ?
- MB
- GB
- KB
- TB
Who accompanied the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the cave of Saur?
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- None of these
What is the meaning of Shahadat ?
- Penitence
- Glorification
- Testimony
- None of these
When was the second round table conference held
- 1931
- 1941
- 1920
- 1922
Identify the last ghazwa in which Holy prophet (PBUH) participated
- Ghazwa Hunain
- Ghazwa Mutah
- Ghazwa Ahzab
- Ghazwa tabuk
What was the purpose behind Treaty of Versailles?
- Mutual agreement to end the second world war
- Proclamation of France as republic
- Abolition of slavery in the USA
- Codifying terms between the victorious Allies and Germany after first world war
- None of these
Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on _….
- December 27, 2007
- December 26, 2007
- December 26, 2007
- None
Doha agreement was signed between
- United States and Afghanistan
- Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Afghanistan and China
- None of these
Which planet has similar size as Earth?
- Venus
- Mars
- Uranus
- None
Who was famous president of Cuba ?
- Fidel Castro
- Ramon Zaydin
- Manuel Antonio
- None of these
When was simla agreement signed ?
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
مرثیہ کی جمع کیا ہے؟
- ماسور
- مرسو ں
- مراثی
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
The capital of Nepal is:
- Thimphu
- Kathmandu
- Dhaka
- Tokyo
Which is the largest natural fresh water lake of Pakistan ?
- Kaghan lake
- Satpara lake
- Hanna Lake
- Manchhar Lake
- None of these
Short cut key for center align
- Shift +v
- Ctrl+a
- Both
- Ctrl+E
In 1956 the designation of Governor General changed to :
- President
- Chief Executive
- Prime Minister
- None of these
حضرت موسی نے کس بادشاہ کے گھر پر پرورش پائی؟
- نمرود
- کاران
- فرعون
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
Polio is caused by
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungus
- None of these
In MS Word default alignment for a paragraph is?
- Left alignment
- Right alignment
- Centered alignment
- None
which function returns the average of all the cells in a range that meet given criteria in MS Excel 2016
In UN General Assembly how many members represent each country :
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7