PPSC Everyday Science 2020 – 2024

One-liner PPSC Everyday Science questions with answers, compiled from the past five years of Punjab Public Service Commission exam papers.

PPSC Everyday Science One-Liner MCQs

Water has maximum density at: 4 c

The ozone layer protects the earth from rays sent by the sun: Ultraviolet rays

A unit of length equal to the average distance between the earth and sun is called: Astronomical unit

The inferred radiation by sun are strongly absorbed by: Water

Which of the following are ozone depleting substances: Acetylene

The study of rock is called: Petrology

The study of stars is known as: Astronomy

Which one is not a vestigial organ of human being: Eye lid

Radioactivity measured by which device: Geiger counter

The ozone layer is at height of ___kilometers from the surface of the Earth: 15-40 kilometers

One nautical mile is equal to how many kilometers: 1852 kilometers

Which is the largest gland in the human body: Liver

The Lunar eclipse occurs when: Earth is between the sun and the moon

Deficiency of Vitamin D results in: Rickets

Which protein factory for RNA: Ribo somes

Package of enzymes bounded by a membrane called a: Golgi apparatus

What element is used in welding: oxygen and acetylene

The ozone layer prevents __ radiation from entering the atmosphere: Ultraviolet

The study of insects is called: entomology

The doctor known as an eye-specialist is: Ophthalmologist

What is the average distance between the Sun and the Earth: 150 million kilometers

The male reproductive part of the flower is called: Stamen

The interaction of living organisms with each other and with their environment is: Ecosystem

Which system is responsible to communicate and coordinate for the body functions: Nervous System

Cataract is the disease of: Eye

Molten rock that lies beneath the Earth’s surface is called: Magma

Threadlike structure in fungi is called: Hypha

Which part of plants produces pollen: Stamen

Which planet has no moon: Venus

Study of the evolution of man as an animal is known as: Anthropology

What is the process called when gas moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure: Effusion

The movement of molecules from high to low concentration, requiring no energy, is called: Diffusion

It is not advisable to sleep under tree at night because of the release of: Carbon dioxide

Which gas can be accumulated in poorly ventilated buildings: Radon

The main constituent of Hemoglobin is: Iron

Which of the following is known for its ability to replicate itself: Bacteria

By what percentage does water expand when it freezes: 9%

The most important stimulus for tea leaves: Caffeine

Which layer of the Earth is considered the most important: Mantle

In which is more electricity conducted: Steel

Ice floats in water because of its: Density

The potential of pure water is: Zero

Deficiency of Iodine causes: Goiter

Another name for baking soda: Sodium bicarbonate

Warm blooded animals maintain a high body temperature for faster: Movement

A battery converts electric energy into which type of energy: Chemical Energy

The study related to animals is called: Zoology

A plant that cannot prepare its own food is called: Heterotroph

Dinosaurs belong to which group of animals: Reptiles

Why is the spleen called the graveyard of RBCs: It breaks down old and damaged RBCs

Who discover gravity: Isaac Newton

Which is not ruminant animal: Horse

The only species of the cat family that lives and hunts in groups are: Lions

Which disease is caused by deficiency of Calcium: Rickets

Joule is the unit of: Energy

Virally infected cells produce and release small proteins called: Interferons

When light travels from a denser medium to a rare medium. It bends due to: Refraction

Which part of the donor’s eye is utilized in eye donation: Cornea

What is meant by “Etymology”: The study of the origins of words and how they have changed over time

Ornithology is the science which deals with: Study of birds

Decibel is the unit which can be used to measure the: Intensity of sound pressure

Alzheimer is _____ disease: Neurological

Which chemical in tobacco causes a smoker to be addicted to smoking: Nicotine

Blood leaves the heart through arteries. The main artery leaving the left ventricle is called: Aorta

The functioning of a loudspeaker depends upon it’s: Shape & Size

Which of the following items is the source of “proteins”: Meat

Carnivore means: An eater of flesh

Which branch of medical science deals with the skin of humans: Dermatology

Malady means: Disease

The most brightest planet is: Venus

The age of Universe is: 13.7 billion years

Who proposed the Theory of Evolution: Charles Darwin

“Fungus” is a Latin word which means: Mushrooms

Dermatology is the study of: Skin

Global warming is believed to have started in the: Post-industrial era

A rainbow is formed when light passes through: A water droplet

The medical doctor who is specialist of eye sight is: Ophthalmologist

The term cosmic is most closely related to: Astronomy

A person who studies rocks and soils is called: Geologist

A narrow piece of land separating two water bodies and connecting two land masses is known as: Isthmus

Which type of energy is produced during a fission reaction in a nuclear reactor: Thermal energy

What is the basic unit of the animal and human body: Cell

Which is the correct sequence of air passage through the respiratory system, during inhalation: Nostrils Pharynx Larynx → Trachea Lungs Alveoli

Which of the following is a unit of length: Meter

Which of the following is an example of a magnetic material: Iron

ECG is used for the diagnosis of the ailment of the: Heart

Who invented the Steam Engine: James Watt

If a large number of people suffer from a disease at one place and time, it is known as: Epidemic

When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into ______ colors: 7

Air is the example of a/an: Mixture

The most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust is: Aluminum

Water percentage in plasma is: 90%

The transfer of thermal energy from one substance to another through which requires no physical medium: Radiation

Which gas in Chlorofluorocarbons damage the ozone layer most: Chlorine

Iron is an essential mineral which is needed for our body for the production of: hemoglobin

Bronchitis is a disease related to: Respiratory tract

Which type of vitamin is used for human body through sun: Vitamin D

Copper, gold, and silver are named: Coinage metals

Vocal cords in females are generally: Shorter and thinner

The hardest thing present in human body is: Dental enemal

What causes bird flu: Virus, often H5N1

There are almost _______ of nephrons in each kidney in human body: 1000000

Which side of the hemisphere is getting warmer faster: Northern Hemisphere

Radio waves frequency is measured in: Hertz

Which Basic Unit is used in Fabrication of Bodies And transistors: Silicon

Who gave the theory of Evolution By Natural Selection: Charles Darwin

Which of the following is responsible for largest amount of oxygen on earth: Algae

The Central Nervous System (CNS) is composed of: Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves

Solar Eclipse occurs when: The moon comes between earth and sun

What is the unit of force: Newton

Demographic transition model was given by: Warren Thompson

Which of the following is the most elastic material: Steel

Which gas is commonly used in balloons and airships: Helium

Who invented Telephone: A.G.Bell

Stethoscope was invented by: Rene Laennec

The lightest element is: Hydrogen

When light enters one spectrum and transfers to different places, it is called: Dispersion

When the ovary releases an ovum, it is called: Ovulation

Which projections use the source light: Conical and cylindrical

Which of the following is the cheapest and environmentally friendly source of electricity: Hydroelectric Power

What is the capacity of Lungs: 6 liters

How many lenses does a pinhole camera use: No lens

The study of life is called: Biology

The volume of an atom is calculated by using: Atomic radius and formula for volume of a sphere

A process of breaking down large hydrocarbons into smaller molecules using heat is called: Thermal cracking

Which mineral is essential for building bones and teeth, muscle functioning and blood clotting: Calcium

Ozone is a gas found in the layer: Stratosphere

The SI unit of electric current is: Ampere

Who invented the soda water: Joseph Priestley

A sound is which type of: Mechanical wave

Albert Einstein is best known for his: Theory of Relativity

The most malleable metal is: Gold

The gas common known as Laughing gas is: Nitrous Oxide

Which part of the Ear belongs to hearing: Cochlea

Which gas is used in welding: Acetylene

Nearest planet to the sun is: Mercury

The largest planet of the solar system is: Jupiter

Which of the following components is rich in fat: Butter

Which type of inheritance is not supported by Java: Multiple inheritance

CNG burns less efficiency than which gas: Propane

Trachoma is a disease of: Eye

Radio, television and cell phones send information even in space agency through: Electromagnetic waves signals

Sports drinks contain less than 6% carbohydrates are called: Hypotonic drinks

The principle by which blotting paper absorbs water is: Capillary action

Proton and nuclei move with the speed of light in space is called as: Cosmic rays

Printing Press invented by: Johan Gutenberg

IMPORTANT: Read PPSC Past Papers and practice with Everyday Science MCQs Quizzes for effective test preparation.

Read More: Practice Pakistan Studies Quiz and read Geography MCQs for additional preparation.

Also Read: PPSC Everyday Science and PPSC Basic Math Solved MCQs, designed to give you a competitive edge in PPSC test preparation.

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