PPSC Child Protection Officer Paper 15-10-2023 MCQs

PPSC Child Protection Officer Paper 15-10-2023 MCQs for preparation.

Child protection courts are provided in Part____

  1. VI
  2. VII
  3. VII
  4. IX

Until a Court is established for a local area, the Lahore High Court may confer powers of the Court for a local area upon ___.

  1. Sessions Judge
  2. Chief justice
  3. Magistrate
  4. None of these

The Court shall finally decide a case within ___ month from the date of production of a child before it.

  1. one
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Child remain in child protection institution till he attains age of ___ years.

  1. 18
  2. 20
  3. 21
  4. 22

The Bureau and each child protection institution shall establish a fund to be known as Destitute and Neglected Children’s Welfare Fund.

  1. Welfare Fund.
  2. Protection fund
  3. Fund
  4. None of these

Executive authority and management of the Bureau shall vest in the ____.

  1. Board
  2. Government
  3. Bureau
  4. None of these

“___” means the Destitute and Neglected Children’s Welfare Fund established under section 18 of this Act

  1. Fund
  2. Welfare
  3. Both
  4. None of these

An offence under Punjab destitute and neglected children Act shall be ______.

  1. cognizable
  2. non-bailable
  3. Both
  4. None of these

Which of following is the not the member of Bureau?

  1. Chief Minister
  2. Prime Minister
  3. Secretary to the Government, Home Department
  4. None of these

If a person gives to any child any intoxicant or narcotic drug, he shall be punished with fine which shall not be less than

  1. Fifty thousand rupees
  2. Ten thousand rupees
  3. Twenty five thousand rupees
  4. None of these

A Member, not being an ex-officio Member, shall hold office during the pleasure of the _____.

  1. Government
  2. Board
  3. Chairman
  4. None of these

A Member, not being an ex-officio Member, shall hold office during the pleasure of the _____.

  1. Government
  2. Board
  3. Chairman
  4. None of these

The Court may direct a ___, to pay maintenance of the child at such rates as may be determined by the Court

  1. parent
  2. Suitable person
  3. Board
  4. None of these

____ soliciting or receiving alms in a public or private place; exposing or exhibiting any sore, wound or deformity of an influenced child and having no visible or known means of subsistence and found wandering about with the ostensible object of soliciting or receiving alms

  1. Begging
  2. Crime
  3. Both
  4. None of these

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