Today PPSC Assistant Clubbed Paper held on 24-11-2024 for Assistant Punjab Police and Assistant S&GAD test.
PPSC Assistant Clubbed Paper 24-11-2024 MCQs
- When was SAARC established: 1985
- 5th member of BRICS: South Africa
- Which blood cells fought against disease? WBC
- The shortcut to add new slide in power point is: Ctrl+M
- First Census held in Pakistan: (1951)
- Which cities are linked by the M11 : Sialkot-Lahore Motorway
- Minimum Voting age in Pakistan is : 18 years
- Pakistan Foreign Office is located in: Islambad
- Pak joined NAM in : 1979
- Robert Watson invented? Radar
- Banjamin Franklin invented? Bifocals (glasses)
- Hockey was first added in Olympics? 1908
- UK PM new elected 2024? Keir Starmer
- Makli Necropolis is located in? Thatta
- What is the capital of Czech Republic? Prague
- Abdul kaba name of which Sahabi : Hazrar Abu Bakr saddique (R.A)
- Annulment of Partition of Bangal: 1911
- In Which Ghazwa Hazrat Khalid got Saif Ullah laqab: Ghazwa Muta
- From 1951 to 1958 the army chief of Pakistan? Field Marshal Ayub Khan
- First President of America : George Washington
- Headquarter of Pakistan Airbase : Islamabad
- Indra Ghandi was assassinated in: 1984
- Theory of evolution was given by : Charles Darwin
- Nehru report was published? 1928
- The day of deliverance was made by Muslim league? 22 December 1939
- CPEC join Gwader to which city of china? Kashgar
- State bank of Pakistan was inaugurated to in? July 1, 1948
- Deepest Lake of the world : Lake Beikal
- Which is the Heaviest planet : Jupiter
- To give up the ghost meaning : stop trying / to die
- The F11 key in Excel : Create a Chart
- Average of first 100 number? 50.5
- Chandragup mud volcano is located in which country: Pakistan
- Freezing point of water is? 32 degrees Fahrenheit
- Vocation synonym : profession
- Study of reptiles? Herpetology
- I said to her ” please sit down” narration : I requested her to sit down.
- Benjamin Franklin invented? Lightning rod
- She will be a doctor __ next year. By
- Antonym of Forbid? Allow
- Zakat means? To purify
- What is the capital of Nepal?: Kathmandu
- Arafat day is on which Hijri date?? 9th Dhul-Hijjah
- Supreme leader of armed forces in Pakistan? The President of Pakistan
- Colosseum is located in? Rome, Italy
- Ahsan ul Qasas is in which Surah? Surah Yusuf
- Docs is what? A file extension for MS Word documents
- Biography of Quaid-e-Azam? Stanley Wolpert
- Huge : Immense as? Small : Tiny
- Kot Diji Fort is located in which city? Khairpur, Sindh
- Last planet in our solar system? Neptune
- Star color defines its? Temperature
- Under the influence of the Soviet Union, West Germany and East Germany were divided in which city? Berlin
- Pak-India Water Accord mediated by? World Bank
- کس صحابی کا نام قرآن میں مذکور ہے؟ حضرت زید بن حارثہ
- غزوہ احزاب میں مشرک عمرو بن عبدود کو کس نے قتل کیا؟ حضرت علی
- رحمان بابا کس دور کا تھا؟ مغل دور
- کوٹ ڈی جی فورٹ کہاں واقع ہے؟ خیرپور، سندھ
IMPORTANT: Review PPSC Assistant S&GAD and Police Clubbed Paper | 24 -11- 2024 (Evening) for an effective test preparation.